I'm stuck...and I haven't even gotten started

HELP! I have been doing MFP for 11 days now and have seen NO drop in weight. I am highly calorie conscious and feel like I am eating well -- far less than when I started this with more exercise.

Your help is appreciated.

- Your frustrated friend,
Wiggle N Twink


  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    You need to make your food diary public so we can see what you are eating, otherwise it is impossible to give any advice.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Open your diary and post again. Ask for people to make suggestions. You will get more responses that way.
  • greenmm1980
    greenmm1980 Posts: 86 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough. I had the same problem and I wasnt eating enough. I met with my dietitan friend and my ratios were off. A little tweaking and the weight loss got back on track. Water is another biggie! Drink your daily amount!!! Keep going, dont stop traveling down this path.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    OOPS!! OK....We are public now....Thanks for input!!
  • Needthisforme
    you may not always see weight drop so fast did you measure your body ? keep track of that as well some times you can drop inches before weight, and second some people it takes longer to come off due to muscle building up your muscle can make you not lose weight right away.
  • Needthisforme
    you may not always see weight drop so fast did you measure your body ? keep track of that as well some times you can drop inches before weight, and second some people it takes longer to come off due to muscle building up your muscle can make you not lose weight right away.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    You're not eating enough for starters. The calories that are your goal are amount you NEED to eat. Also, I didn't look, but I'm pretty sure you're over in sodium even with your low calorie intake. Need to cut the processed/prepackaged foods way down. All that sodium makes you retain fluid.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    You are not eating enough calories. I went back the last three days of your food log and you are basically having your body go into starvation mode. Try to eat 1200 calories a day and that will help a lot. Your body is clinging on to what little calories you have for dear life and storing them as fat because your body is afraid you are not going to feed it. I would start by eating at least 1200 calories a day and eating back some of your exercise calories as well.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Also if your water that is logged is accurate, you need to drink more! Definitely up the water intake to 8 glasses a day. It really does help! Cut out soda and processed food as well (not all or you will just go back to bad habits but it should be less than 1/4 of what is going in, which doesn't seem to be the case). I feel as though you should be eating a greater amount of healthy foods than the tiny amount of bad foods that you seem to be eating.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Several things:
    ~ You aren't eating enough
    ~You aren't eating breakfast
    ~ What you are eating is mostly processed food.
    ~You aren't drinking any water.

    It's only been 11 days. It's good that you are being honest and recording what you eat, but you need to get a more balanced diet. Otherwise your body holds onto every calories and you may actually gain instead of losing. Also eating breakfast is import to weight loss as is consistent eating whether it be 3 meals a day , 3 meals/2 snacks or 6 smalls meals a day. Incorporate some exercise in there, even if it's just walking and you'll be losing in no time.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I agree with the others - you are definitely not eating enough, and while some of what you are eating is really healthy, a lot of it is not (highly processed/starchy/sugary). You need to get at least 1200 calories in per day, and you should be eating at least some of your exercise calories because MFP has already built a deficit into your daily goal. If you eat too little, or too little nutritious food, your body essentially shuts down - like putting water instead of gas into your car's gas tank - it won't get you where you want to go. Try eating more healthy foods - more protein (chicken/turkey/fish), fresh veggies, fruits, complex whole grains or carbs in moderation - and limit the amount of processed foods. That should help you start losing more steadily.