
Hello to all,
My name is Nancy and I am looking to get in shape and stick to being more healthy. I really want to lose as much weight as possible before i go back to the stressful life of nursing school. I am a mother of two and find it hard to stick to logging in all my food, exercising, and just finding time but I am determined to see this through. i just joined a slim down group in my community and hope this will motivate me to finally get it done and stick with it. Im looking forward to meeting friends on here and hearing everyone's inspiring stories. Good luck everyone! My journey begins today!:flowerforyou:


  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome Nancy! You are going to love this site. I will add you as a friend and if you have any ? just ask :)
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome! You can do it it you put the effort out, and get a cheering section going for yourself - lots of ppl u can friend on here. I'll send u a request and hope u like it here :D
  • love_30034
    love_30034 Posts: 25
    Hello Have been on here for about 50 days now and have been vegetarian for 64 days and i have lost 23 lbs in that time. I have been drinking only water since Feb. I glad that I have chosen to change my lifestyle and get healthy.

    SW 360
    CW 338