Hey y'all!! (I'm practicing for when I move!)

alkruszka Posts: 21 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Helllllo beautifuls! (And handsomes!)

I'm Andrea, I'm 28 (almost 29) from the lovely Detroit, MI (it's not as bad as it seems....)
In October I'm moving to Nashville. What better time to reinvent myself, eh? (Yea, I live close to Canada, so we pick up the vernacular here)

I've done WW before. South Beach. Slimfast. God knows what else. I am active (usually play at least 3 softball games a week, soccer in fall and winter too) and in decent shape - too bad all the flab is covering my lovely muscles!

I had success with WW - dropped around 40 lbs (which sadly, came back SO much easier than it came off!) but I never went to meetings because they irritate me - so this seems to be the place for me :-)

I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis, so in addition to looking better, and living longer, I'd like to take some of the strain off my hurtin' joints.

My biggest obstacle is that I tend to be over-confident. Sure, I might be caring an extra person around with me (a tiny person, but still an extra), but dangit! I look GOOOOOD.

So, yea. I guess my biggest motivation now is to be healthier. And live longer. And look good naked. Oh, and hopefully it'll help with the snoring. That'd be nice.

Anyway, just from reading a few posts, I am excited and I hope we can all help each other out on this fabulous journey!

<3 Andrea


  • alkruszka
    alkruszka Posts: 21 Member
    Oh, and I'm doing a Biggest Loser competition that started yesterday and runs til Labor Day - so my goal for that is to drop 37 lbs (that's about 15%) because it goes on percentage and not poundage. Woo!!

    And also, I'm a relentlessly perky and optimistic person - so if you need a cheerleader, feel free to let me know!! (Or, you know, tell me to shut the heck up, because I know there's many who would love to say that daily!!)
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm a fellow Michigander :) Welcome to MFP, and Michigan will miss you!
  • cheeezybee
    cheeezybee Posts: 10
    Hey! I'm from Oklahoma, and Hey Y'all is the standard greeting. You better get used to it! It's common in the South!

    You love it here! The website is great and so easy to use!

    It's obvious you are so determined, I already KNOW you can do it! :)
    Good luck, you're already on the right path!
  • alkruszka
    alkruszka Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, both of you!!

    And TRUST. I have been sayin' 'Hey y'all' for years! I think there is a Southern belle inside of me, covered up by a Motor City chick :-)
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    A warm welcome to MFP and Nashville and I will welcome you with open arms. =D You're gonna love it down here in TN.
  • alkruszka
    alkruszka Posts: 21 Member
    A warm welcome to MFP and Nashville and I will welcome you with open arms. =D You're gonna love it down here in TN.

    Aww, yay! Thanks! I am SUPER pumped for the move, even though I will be leaving behind a gajillion amazing people here, and a job I love. But a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do!
  • I have friends who live in Stillwater, TN they love it in tenn and boy the stories they tell (hilarious!!!!).I myself am on here to lose weight before i move back to nc next year! plus to get rid of the arthritis i've had for over 10 yrs and i'm only 27. you'll pick up things easily once your down south! within 2 months I said Ya'll and got yelled at by an old man for saying pop(which i grew up saying)haha so needless to say i quickly learned to say soda and now i'm stuck i say soda or pop depending on which one comes out of my mouth. i also started having the southern drawl i loved the south so i'm looking forward to move back down there to go to college!!
  • anume08
    anume08 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there! I joined last month and love MFP! I think you will definitely enjoy the site!! Good luck with your move to TN I'm not too far, I live in Northern AL which is about 2 hours from Nashville:)
  • alkruszka
    alkruszka Posts: 21 Member
    I have friends who live in Stillwater, TN they love it in tenn and boy the stories they tell (hilarious!!!!).I myself am on here to lose weight before i move back to nc next year! plus to get rid of the arthritis i've had for over 10 yrs and i'm only 27. you'll pick up things easily once your down south! within 2 months I said Ya'll and got yelled at by an old man for saying pop(which i grew up saying)haha so needless to say i quickly learned to say soda and now i'm stuck i say soda or pop depending on which one comes out of my mouth. i also started having the southern drawl i loved the south so i'm looking forward to move back down there to go to college!!

    I hear you on the arthritis bit! I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was 22. Stupid RA. HATE! Hopefully dropping some poundage will help both of us out :-)

    Oh, and I say soda. I know, I'm a Michigander, I should say pop - I have NO idea why I started with the soda, but at least they don't look at me funny when I go visit my parents!
  • i've never been officially diagnosed but since juvi arthritis runs in my entire mom's side of the family I definally wasn't surprised when my knees killed! went to the dr twice but both times he said i had inflamation under kneecaps and not arthritis, so finally i talked to my mom who talked to her sister and they both confirmed i received the dreaded canby juvi arthritis. lol and since i've already lived in nc for 2 yrs. i will have no problem switching gears and speak southern lol so i won't get yelled at for saying pop and my cousins guy friends down there wont want me to say "northern" words and get amused because i say "cow" and they say "Caoww" haha
  • alkruszka
    alkruszka Posts: 21 Member
    i've never been officially diagnosed but since juvi arthritis runs in my entire mom's side of the family I definally wasn't surprised when my knees killed! went to the dr twice but both times he said i had inflamation under kneecaps and not arthritis, so finally i talked to my mom who talked to her sister and they both confirmed i received the dreaded canby juvi arthritis. lol and since i've already lived in nc for 2 yrs. i will have no problem switching gears and speak southern lol so i won't get yelled at for saying pop and my cousins guy friends down there wont want me to say "northern" words and get amused because i say "cow" and they say "Caoww" haha

    Oh, yea, I went to doctor after doctor after doctor when I got diagnosed. The first one told me it was 'growing pains' and I was just being a hypochondriac. Not kidding.

    I told him that I'd been the same height for almost 10 years and walked out. I was 21 at that point - a little old for a growth spurt, I think!
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