Excess Skin



  • elcafefuerte
    Does the speed of weight loss make a difference? I notice extra skin a lot on the Biggest Loser, but they lose what to me seems like unhealthy amounts of weight in such short time frames. I also tend to notice it on people who have had surgeries. Does losing weight at a healthy amount, like 1 or 2 pounds per week, accompanied by good exercise help firm your skin?
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I am 41, 5' 8 1/2" and have gone from 265 to 150, so I will tell you that I think your goal it is "do-able".

    I am not at teenager and I've have two very large babies. Between those two pregnancies and the weight gain, I have a LARGE number of stretch marks that cover my entire lower abdomen. They have not been red for a long time, they are more clear, but the elasticity is GONE. There is NO way for that skin to bounce back. I have nice tight abs, but you can't tell from my belly button down due to the amount of excess skin I have. I can do push ups, but hate doing them at the gym, because my belly skin sags and hangs way down, even though my abs are tight and totally engaged.

    If you do not have massive stretch marks however, then yes, your skin will firm up as things go along. Naturally. Without the added cost of peels, creams or herbs. One thing to keep in mind however, is that once you have cellulite, it never 'goes away'. Those cells are with you forever. You can reduce the amount of fatty tissue inside each cell, even until it's essentially flat, but they are still there. It's important to keep that in mind because those cells are the hardest to make smaller and are the first ones to fill back up - it's' why so many people who yo-yo diet see excess flab come back, often more than before, in those hard to lose areas.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    umm.... I'm 50. I've lost 105 pounds. I have three children. I tried on my bikini this morning. My daughter says a few more pounds and I'll look great.