Join Me on My Journey?

Hi All

I've been doing MFP for over a week now. It's been great! I think this is an awesome website because it's like Weight Watchers but free! Thumbs up to the makers for their positive contribution to society and the fight against the flab!

I hope to find buddies to join me because I know personally that it's much easier to stay on track when you have a good support team. You know, the ones that drag you out of bed to the gym or keeps you motivated to achieving your goals.

I've just started blogging my journey, so feel free to read and vote (if they're any good).

Catch you later.



  • gmkimby
    gmkimby Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome!!! I tried Weight Watchers as well, but like you said, this is FREE!!! And I'm loving it!! I wish you well on this journey we're on together!
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I find that this weight loss journey is pretty fun. I'm constantly looking for new food to try that's healthy. Good luck to you!