Hello! New to site.

Hello! I just joined yesterday. I saw the site mentioned on another board I frequent so I thought I would check it out. I think this will really help me get going because entering the calories and exercise will make me accountable. No more excuses.

I had a baby 2 years ago and have not lost the baby weight. I am hoping to lose about 40 lbs by tracking calories and exercise. I go to Zumba 2x per week and I am also planning on doing the 30 day shred dvd at least 3x per week.


  • beachbumdoug
    beachbumdoug Posts: 171 Member
    hello and welcome to the site. Its a wonderful group of people on here and i am sure you will love it
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Welcome!!! And good luck with your journey. Not only does this site open your eyes on what your actual intake it. It has some of the greatest people on it too.

    I Love Zumba.. ♥
  • Farmgirl67
    Farmgirl67 Posts: 54
    I just found this site 5 days ago and I love it! There is so much support from others. I look forward to logging in and getting the inspiration to keep going. Good Luck! Feel free to friend me if you like.