I need some "eating more to lose weight" friends



  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    You do 2 spin classes in one day!!! You are my new hero. In the spring I was consuming 1700 calories and losing 2 lbs a week with 2 spin classes a week, some weight training afterward, and eating back my exercise calories. After a "bad" weekend, I lost 4 lbs that week! I then upped my intake to 2000 calories a day and lost 2 lbs a week.

    I'm now just strength training as I don't have much left to lose either; I'm "skinny fat" :sad: . I hope you are consuming a ton of protein on your heavy workout days to help reduce the chance of burning muscle. I know I lost a lot of muscle from my spin classes, so I'm working on getting that back.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I want to try this as well. I'm SO scared to do it though!! I never eat my calories for the day, due to
    so many extra exercise calories. I thought maybe I'd lose more if I ate more, but I'm not sure.
    There are so many conflicting opinions out there.... I don't want to make it worse on myself!!! :ohwell:

    It absolutely works! This site gave me a suggestion of 1700 calories, it worked for a bit then stopped. I went to a registered sport dietitian and she almost took my head off. Couldn't believe this site would suggest such a foolish number, she put my on a 2500+ calorie plan with good nutritious food and the pounds have been melting away. Don't be afraid to feed yourself.
  • EclecticallyCandice
    One easy way I found to add extra calories that are Healthy calories is to make protein shake smoothies. I personally use Shakeology, PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter, Frozen Mixed Fruit (peaches, strawberries, mango and pineapple mix from Sams), banana, spinach and almond milk.
    filling and full of nutrients- plus since it's a drink you can take it with you and sip on it ;)
  • EclecticallyCandice
    Oh, and just to share what my personal needs are when working out- I have to eat a minimum of 2300 cal a day when I'm working out.
    I do several different programs- Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Brazil Butt Lift, Hip Hop Abs and Rocking Body to name a few..
    I typically burned 1000+ calories when doing 45ish min workout, thanks to my Polar Heart Rate Monitor, I know what I'm burning and that makes a huge difference. Before I got the hrm I was only eating 1600-1800cal a day and it was sooooo hard to loose weight. Once I up'ed my cals I started loosing it easier
  • sewparis
    sewparis Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you! This is where I am and I was so confused. I need to eat more and I knew that somehow but it is terrifying.