
eericson51 Posts: 57 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I think I just really need to vent again today...And perhaps its just that this day has not started out so well, but I'm really beginning to wonder if its all worth it. I'm on my last week of the first month of Insanity and have been borderline obsessive about logging everything that goes into my mouth. And I woke up this morning only to see that I am right where I started, no weight lost, no inches lost! I have talked to my doctor and there is nothing going on with my thyroid or anything, and she is completely baffled as to why I'm not losing any weight. She said I'm doing everything right.

I have never been at this weight in my life. I understand that I had a baby, and that changes things, but I don't want that to become an excuse (and my daughter is almost 9 months old!) I don't know if I'm not doing enough (which doesn't seem possible). I've tried eating more calories, less calories, less sodium, less carbs, less sugars and nothing seems to be working. I'm frustrated and angry (especially because I have been cutting out foods that I LOVE!).

Sorry...I just needed to vent. After seeing the scale and tape measure stuck in the same place again this morning, then being puked on by my daughter right before I leave for work, and then bashing my head into the car as I tried to get in, I guess its safe to say its not a good morning.


  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Keep with it! You can dooooo eeeeet
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    I am in exactly the same place as you. I've done weight watchers and mfp and have had ZERO loss, and even some times a little gain. I've been in the same 3-5lb range for 2+ years regardless of what I eat and how much or little I exercise. I went to my primary care doc last week and like you, all of my levels are fine. I asked him for an Rx to see a nutritionist, so that's where I'm heading this afternoon. I'm pretty sure she's going to tell me to cut out sugar and lower my sodium, but I'm also pretty sure its not gonna change anything. So, I hope to become her challenge. Its so great to be able to print out the last week of food and exercise I've logged to bring to her, as well as my last 90 days of non-weight loss.
    Stick with it and keep doing the best you can do. We're in this together!
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    Are you nursing, by any chance?
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    A few ideas that might help. When I was struggling to lose fat, my friend recommended that I get on a treadmill at a steep incline and walk at a pace that kept my heart rate up but didn't put it through the roof, then I staggered calories throughout the week and I added some weight lifting. You could also eat smaller meals six times a day, and add small bouts of exercise throughout the day.

    So the way I would suggest to do some of these is to start by adding up all your calories for the week and then having each day be a different number of cals so at the end of the week you have the right total, but each day is different. Some high, some low. Then for during the day eat 3/4 of your cals before noon, because thats when you will burn them off, rather than at night when your body does less work. Then divide those calories into six small meals and forget the word snack entirely. If you look at my food diary I have them listed as feedings. Every hour or so during the day take five or ten minutes to do some sort of exercise, just to keep your body moving and your metabolism going.

    These things take a lot of planning and with a new born it wont be easy, but they should help kick start your weight loss.
  • eericson51
    eericson51 Posts: 57 Member, unfortunately, I had some problems after the birth and wasn't able to nurse. I was really hoping to so that it could help me jump start the weight loss.
  • jourkam28
    jourkam28 Posts: 19
    How long are you trying out each weigh loss mechanism? Maybe your body is reacting to the different changes, I would say do one of the things for at least a month and determine your results. Stick to the 1,200 calories or more plus working out. It's weird how our body works, after 3 weeks of "good eating" and exercising, I cheated over the weekend and still lost 1 1/2 although I had no loss the previous week.
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member, unfortunately, I had some problems after the birth and wasn't able to nurse. I was really hoping to so that it could help me jump start the weight loss.

    Oh, I thought maybe you had a problem similar to mine. I couldn't lose a pound when I nursed. In fact, I packed on weight instead even working out 6 days a week and using a personal trainer. I feel your pain. I had to seek intervention from my doctor in the form of a prescription to finally get anywhere.

    I do know that it's possible that your thyroid test wasn't sensitive enough. That happened to my sister and once she had a more specific test, they discovered that her thryroid was actually causing her weight problem.

    I hope that you can get this worked out.
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