How long till your new routine felt normal?

When I started it was awful. Hungry and stomach was hating me. Would run on the treadmill and think I was in Hell. I think after about 2 or 3 weeks I got to the point where my eating habits felt normal and the Burger felt like I was committing some great sin. I went from burger and burritos everyday to Smart ones and chicken breast. Also got to the point where I was on pins and needles at work waiting to get home so I could go to the gym.

So how long did it take everyone to enjoy and embrace their new lifestyle?


  • Sweetcheeks278
    6 weeks. I remember very vividly that it was 6 weeks before it felt normal and not like I was on a diet.
  • Sweetcheeks278
    6 weeks. I remember very vividly that it was 6 weeks before it felt normal and not like I was on a diet.
  • xoxokryssie
    it took me about 2 weeks as well. but feeling like this is a great thing! we know where out priorities are and they're finally in the right place!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Took about a month... now almost a year into it, my old lifestyle habits are so foreign to me that they don't even cross my mind at all.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    It took about 6 weeks for me. I find that I don't even try to come up with excuses to skip the gym because I actually enjoy going now.
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    I'm on week 6 of my healthy lifestyle and it's just starting to feel normal! With each day that passes, the stronger and more confident I'm feeling in this new lifestyle!

    Don't get me wrong, I still have tough moments and times where I indulge a little more than I should...however, because I'm putting in the work the results are happening! I never gave myself enough time to see results in the past!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    It took me about 2-3 weeks to cleanse myself of fast foods, cakes, etc. From time to time though I still get cravings but they eventually subside with eating the good stuff :)
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    I feel like I usually start my new routine with gusto, but start sliding right around the time the rest of you say your habits are becoming permanent. I'll be doing pretty well for a month or two, then I somehow stop doing the right things and start losing the progress I've made. So maybe there are some things that will just never feel "natural" -- we just have to constantly remind ourselves of how much better we feel when we do them, unnatural or not.
  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
    I am in my first week, officially. Since the week before i was just getting used to logging everything. And I have to say, the hunger is a pain in the tush! I log everything for the day and then just follow it...but like right starving and I dont get lunch for another two hours! UGH

    I am hoping it doesnt take SIX WEEKs...motivation will dwindle for sure :(
  • dd122436
    dd122436 Posts: 39
    I'd say about 4-5 weeks for me. I learned a big lesson this weekend. It was my moms birthday and I had been planning a cheat day all week and sooooo looking forward to it. But when it finally came i didn't enjoy it at all? I had a piece of birthday cake and could have done without, it wasn't great at all??? It was depressing at first, but now I'm back on track and happy again, weird how that works! But loving it!

    -Also my stomach has gotten smaller I think so i couldn't eat like I used to anyways, which was a nice surprise.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    Hard question to answer, because I'm a strange guy.

    What I mean by that is, once I got started the process/routine felt 'normal' immediately. What took me forever was actually deciding to do it. I quit smoking on April 1 2008, and over the next couple years gained 40 or 50 lbs as a result. Quitting smoking was the same deal...took me about two years of motivating myself to quit, but once I did I quit cold turkey without really any problems (other than the two weeks of nicotine withdrawals, where my wife had to just leave me alone....). Same thing with losing weight...took me about a year and a half to decide to do it, but once I made the decision to do so it hasnt been a problem.

    Now that said, it took my body about two months to really adjust physically. I.E. I was constantly hungry for the first couple of weeks, and I was pretty constantly sore (muscle soreness I mean) from jogging and working out/exercising for the next few months as I added different routines and my body caught up with what my mind was telling it to do. Mentally,'s felt normal from the beginning.
  • dlf0001
    dlf0001 Posts: 20 Member

    Each of us has a unique perspective... I can relate with aspects of everyone's comments...

    For me, I too spent a long time convincing myself (feeling sorry for myself) that I was going to have to "diet". The wellness check at work 2 years ago was forboding... high BP, cholesterol high, BMI: OBESE, Blood Sugar: borderline high.

    Spent most of 2010 getting mentally ready to change... I too am strong willed, once I make the decision.

    So, beginning in January I started... weight had to be somewhere around 290-300. This morning I weighed, 223.

    I make better eating choices, supplement with protein shakes for a snack in the mid morning and mid afternoon, usually have a 6" dbl meat chicken sandwich from Subway at lunch with a bottle of water and apples. Drinking 10-12 glasses of water each day... when we go to Mexican food i get fajitas or similar, pass on the chips, or eat very few.

    I cut out cheese, diet soda, french fries, bread and pasta...

    I like the new me better.
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    I've been counting calories with MFP for 50 days, about 7 weeks. I wouldn't say it feels like my normal diet. I still miss, every day, being able to eat whatever I want without having to think of the calories. I miss sitting down with a bag of chips and eating until I was satisfied, getting a couple handfuls of M&Ms, stopping for a burger and fries.... I hope that one day eating in a healthier way will feel normal to me.