feeling of failure

well. i started my journey march 2010, weighing 155. i was down to 135 and stayed there for about a year and in march i finally worked my way down to 125 :), bad new is since then, since april i have gained :( i am at about 145. i feel like an idiot, defeated. i worked so hard, and i havent stopped my excersize routine at all. its all in my diet, its like ive been binging for 2 months eating all sweets around me, donuts, chocolate, u name it. i need this to stop, i felt awesome when i was down to 125 i want that again. do you think its gonna take me a whole year to get down again. i hope not, i bought a dress back in march when i was smaller hoping to wear it to 2 weddings this summer. one is this saturday, not gonna happen. but the other is july 17. is this possible. to get back into it? ugh.


  • LaurieBLouise
    LaurieBLouise Posts: 48 Member
    who is telling you that you're an idiot? if you are the only person calling yourself that, be happy! that means once you stop doing that (and that better be soon!) no one else feels that way (that you know of, lol.) the first step in this madness is turning that defeated feeling into a drive to get back down to the weight you were, assuming that is healthy for you since you did not include your height. that dress is your inspiration. if you fit in it before, there's no reason you won't fit in it again. the only person telling you that you can't, is you! We are here to tell you that you can.
  • maryd4love
    maryd4love Posts: 164 Member
    - If you decide today that you are going to make it happen then YES, YOU CAN! Start now....change your habbit. Start watching your calories. I believe you can make it in that dress by July!!!!!
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    You can do this. Sometimes it takes a bit of a rebound to help you see where your boundaries are. At least you've jumped on it now rather than going all the way back to your start. So, readjust to start losing again and when you've made it, you'll know that you can't quite go back to eating everything if you want to maintain. Try adding things a little at a time while watching the scale to see what works for you.

    But, you've done it before, you can do it again, and now you're all the wiser for it! :)
  • funky_stripes
    funky_stripes Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks i just think I need more encouragement n support thanks
  • kateq321
    kateq321 Posts: 97 Member
    Don't feel down hon...you did it before and you can do it again. At least you know exactly where you've gone wrong so start cutting out the junk food and sweets & start tracking again. Before you know it you will start to feel much better in yourself and be back in that little black dress in no time. ((((hugs))))
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    The hardest part is starting and waiting for results. Stay strong and log your food intake.
  • NaturalCon
    NaturalCon Posts: 13 Member
    I bet you anything that the 145 you weigh now is totally different from the 145 you weighed before - you've been exercising so you're probably more toned and healthy. In fact, if I have my facts straight, that muscle should help you burn more calories.
    Think of it as a head start!
  • funky_stripes
    funky_stripes Posts: 119 Member
    Yes I have more musclebut I'm one who gets the pot belly the prego look like insanely