
Hello All

So today I went down to my local GNC in search of some "good" Women's Multivitamins and possible weight loss supplements. I asked the clerk and he directed me to the "GNC Women's Ultra Mega Active Vitapak." He said that this was a great Multi V and will aid in my weight loss due to the L-Carnitine, CLA1000,B-Vitamins, and Energy Enhancer thats in the pack. So for the sack of trying something new I decided to buy the box ( I really hope I didn't get scammed for the sack of that guys commission) But has anyone tried the "GNC Women's Ultra Mega Active Vitapak." And if so did they have any success? And what are your opinions on supplements anyway (some say they work, some say they don't). Since I did buy the thrity day supply I will be taking it for the next month and giving updates if anyone is interested

S/N I understand that you should get most of your nutrients from food but I had gastric bypass surgery and due to malabsorption issues I have to take some form of supplements everyday.



  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I have read several reviews stating that they are kinda harsh on the stomach...That said, I have also seen GREAT overall reviews on this product.

    You should probably ease in slowly so you don't get sick.
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    i think personally the best multivitamin is a prenatal pill or a generic one-a-day pill! It gives me energy and isnt harsh on my belly! Just remember to take all your supplements with your biggest meal! If not you may get nauseous or have a headache!
  • amyradelle
    amyradelle Posts: 20
    What does BUMP mean?!?!

    You should try Real Food Organics. I love love looooove it. They are amazing..
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    What does BUMP mean?!?!

    You should try Real Food Organics. I love love looooove it. They are amazing..

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  • krizstyling
    krizstyling Posts: 40 Member
    First, congrats on buying vitamins. I'm a firm believer in vitapaks!

    As for GNC's Women's Ultra Mega...LOVE IT!!

    I know you spent a good amount of money on it so you don't want to hear that you were scammed, although everyone reacts differently to diff vitamins, I find these to be the BEST vitapaks I have tried yet and I plan on sticking with them.

    I was on a plateau for about 7 weeks, then I joined this site 11 days ago, and I bought those vitapaks. Since I began, I have already dropped 3lbs and I know it's in part due to the energy those vitamins give me. The energy is BONKERS and it's not even the jittery type some give you.

    I duno if the fatty acid one is helping or not, but if it is, GREAT, I'll take it.

    Anyway, I love these vitapaks. I seriously can't say enough about them.

    A tip tho? Don't forget to take them daily! And also, if you are finding them hard to go down, try drinking it with orange juice...I can now take down all of them at once with one big gulp of orange juice. =) I usually take mine first thing in the morning with a bowl of flaxseed cereal or 2 pieces of light whole wheat toast.

    Can't wait to hear how you feel about them after a week or so!

    Also, sometimes they have them on sale for 29.99 (that's how I got mine) and then the first week of every month at GNC you can get 20% off your purchase with their gold card...Def worth a sign up!
  • MarchesQueen
    MarchesQueen Posts: 1 Member
    I recently purchased the GNC vitapak for women, and like many I purchased what was recommended to me by na GNC employee. I am not so much trying to lose weight, but tone. I have low energy levels and so I tried the vitapak. I took them for 3 weeks but eventually stopped taking them because I felt like it was causing my constipation (now think it was the GNC lean shakes I was drinking). Well anyway I have noticed that since I stopped taking them my energy levels have dropped significantly, my appetite has increased and I have gained almost 8 lbs in a month. I am now back on them and will give them a thumbs up.

    Someone else recommended taking them with orange juice, I will try that. They are not fun to take, they stink!!! but they WORK and that's all that matters to me.
  • Doramsk3
    Doramsk3 Posts: 1
    I just recently purchased this and I was wondering if anyone has an update on these. Please let me know.
  • okolo
    okolo Posts: 24
    These are my favorite vitamins. When I run out, I do without until I can get them again. I just don't feel dragged throughout the day when I take these. I compare the contents to the label of many other multi-s but none-other has compared so far, and It must be true because my body certainly feels better when I take them regularly.
    For those taking the vita pack and would rather take less pills with the same benefit, try the caplets - it's the same thing but just in two pills. : "GNC Women's Ultra Mega Active Multivitamin, Timed Release Caplets"
    They are kinda big though, but have a vanilla flavor coating on it, so it doesn't taste bad and has absolutely no smell at all. Also, I don't feel the vitamins burp, or feel like I have them rising on my stomach all day.
    I have no idea how to express how happy I am with these vitamins. So much so, that I will not even try one of GNC's other multivitamins - it HAS to be the "ACTIVE" caplets for me.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    What does BUMP mean?!?!

    You should try Real Food Organics. I love love looooove it. They are amazing..
    its bump because it "bumps" the thread to the top of the board due to a new post. the person in this case used it so they could refer back later