Changing the way I look at things!

GonzalesR Posts: 3 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All!

My name is Rachel G. I am from Denver, CO and I am changing the way I look at things. I need to lose close to 40lbs and suffer from PCOS. Those of you who have PCOS know the challenge of weightloss. I am going to celebrate every victory so that I can achieve my long term goal. If I have a "good" eating day I need to pat myself on the back, if I make better food choices I need to pat myself on the back if I lose 1/2 a pound ,I need to pat myself on the back. I find that I throw everything out the window after every little set back and that little set back becomes a bigger and bigger setback. No More! If you change the way you looks at things, the way you look at things change. I hope that I can find some motivational buddies to help keep me on track along this journey!


  • Hi Rachel,

    I feel your pain as someone with thyroid and diabetes issues on top of each other. It is important that you control your mind. Positive thoughts=positive results. Welcome!

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Hi, Rachel!

    You're absolutely right--if we don't change our thoughts, we can't change our habits and patterns. I quit smoking over five years ago, and the only thing that made it possible was changing how I view cigarettes and smoking. I'm trying to bring that same mindset to losing weight. Rather than viewing this as a "diet" that I only have to be on until I reach a certain goal, I'm reworking my head so I see it as a new way of living so that I can be healthy and keep my diabetes in check. If I make a mistake, no problem--I write it down, I do not try to ignore it or pretend it didn't happen, and I continue on rather than throwing my hands in the air and using it as an excuse to continue straying.

    I think you've got a great attitude--good luck!

  • GonzalesR
    GonzalesR Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your support!
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