Big Girl for Life

elishakranz Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I've always been bigger than the other kids. In the beginning, it wasn't just fatter, it was taller too. I'm six foot with the frame of a decent football player. My grandmother was a big woman, but you couldn't tell because she sat in her chair all day. I don't mind being curvy at all, and in fact, I have a pretty good self image.

That's what made it okay for me to say to myself "You know what kid? You. Are. Fat." I hit the 300lbs mark about my Junior year of college, and have wavered around it since then. I threw out my back and did take care of it, so with my weight, it has become a big disability sometimes. My knees ache, my feet ache, I run out of breath from climbing stairs, and I don't fit into theatre chairs (I'm a big drama nerd, been in shows since I was in the sixth grade, almost one a year, sometimes two consistently.) It has always embarrassed me when I have to have custom costumes made for me because I just don't FIT. But instead of doing something, I just made excuses.

I just graduated from college with a Bachelors in Video and Digital Media, am working in Detroit, and have a wonderful partner. My life is starting to fall into place and I realized that it's now or never. I have the time, the resources, and the DRIVE to do this RIGHT now. I have the chance to do something for myself and myself only. My partner finds me attractive, so that isn't my problem. I feel older than I should. I'm only 23 (in a few days) and I feel about 30. When I actually GET to thirty---I want to be excited. I want to feel good, and I want to be active.


  • arykh24
    arykh24 Posts: 64
    You can do this! This is a wonderful site for tracking what you eat!!! You will feel so great when you reach your goals! Good luck!
  • DarthBubbles
    DarthBubbles Posts: 138
    You certainly have the right attitude and motivation! Welcome :bigsmile:
  • katzav
    katzav Posts: 67
    good luck! and have fun with it!
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Love that you have a goal for how you want to feel and look like when you're 30!!! Now take it one day at a time...what can you do today to move towards that goal? What can you do today that you didn't know was in you to do!!!

    It's a great journey and you've found a great place of support!
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome to the club. :) I know what you mean about the big girl club. I was 5'6 in the 6th grade and a size 14. I am not 5'10 and a size 20-22. It's a tough journey but it is so worth it. You can do this! Good luck!!
  • Thank you everybody! I have a good support system in my partner, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to seek more help/advice/people to whine at when I REALLY want that ice cream! Everyone has been so sweet so far. Awesome.
  • momobe
    momobe Posts: 1
    Hi, you and I sound very similar. I've got a similar background, and a similar present. I just joined today, and I also need some online resources for when I'm feeling weak against snack attacks. Lets friend?
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I think it is awesome that you have gotten to this attitude at 23. I recently turned 30 and it took me until I was 29 to get there. Like you, I always just accepted me for me as a big person. I am on the other side now and maintaining. It can happen. Good luck!
  • Heatherp71
    Heatherp71 Posts: 17
    I absolutely get it....I am 6 ft tall and have a large frame as well. I think for a long time I hid behind my height/frame. You can do this!! Good luck on your new journey!
  • Heatherp71
    Heatherp71 Posts: 17
    I absolutely get it....I am 6 ft tall and have a large frame as well. I think for a long time I hid behind my height/frame. You can do this!! Good luck on your new journey!
  • Having just left University is a great time for a fresh start!

    I know you'll do great - it sounds like you've already got the right attitude.
  • Also... Yay for your gorgeous cat!
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I am similar to you too- I am 6'1" and have been as heavy as 330lbs. I am currently 257 and aiming to get under 200lbs. Once i get under 200 then I'm shooting for an ultimate goal of 180.

    There are a couple of tall girl support threads knocking around the forums- full of women like ourselves. Take a look and join one for moral support :o)
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