bored at work - leads to unhealthy snacking



  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    I sit at a desk all day too. I always have water sitting on my desk so I take swigs often to keep me occuppied. I also make sure not to carry pocket change while work to remove the option of hitting up the vending machine. The last thing I'll do is spread my snacks and lunch out during the day. I won't actually have a full meal during lunch, because I'll eat a little of it before and after my break. Between, not having pocket change for the vending machine, sipping on my water all day, and eating a little bit of the food I brought from home (I'm eating something every 1-2 hours), I never have the urge to eat of of bordem.

    I found this to work well for me... it may or may not work for you. But it's worth a shot.

    First off, you look awesome! Congratulations!

    Second, I also have to make sure I have no money on me or I will go buy the candy bar over eating the fresh fruit.

    I think hypnosis would work. Hypnotise me to believe that all chocolate tastes like mud. lol
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Use MFP to your advantage. Since you're at a computer, every time you want to eat the wrong thing, come on here and cruise the success stories section or read through some new posts instead...