26 yr old from Ontario, Canada wants to lose approx 70 lbs

Well, the title says it all! :) I'm no stranger to weightloss - been packing on the pounds since I finished highschool. I'm 5'5 - got up to 191 my first semester of college and lost 30 lbs the following semester. I felt and looked great at 160 but a few months at home with my (non-dieting) family over the summer put it all back on. I maintained a weight of between 185 and 200 or so for about 3 years, leading up to my wedding. During those 3 years I flip flopped back and forth quite often.

After my wedding in 2008 I was so fed up with trying not to gain any weight (forget losing it - I had a hard enough time trying to stay the same so my wedding dress would fit - it still ended up being tight). After my wedding, I pretty much binged for 6 months straight. I didn't have to worry about fitting into the dress anymore - all I wanted to do was EAT! And I did....

On my wedding day I weighed exactly 200 lbs. 6 months later I was at my highest weight ever - 232 lbs! It's been almost another 3 years since then - and I'm now at 223 lbs (been fluctuating between 211 and 232 ever since).

I am so ready to get back under 200 and head towards 160!!! I can't believe I have put on 70 lbs since '05.... yikes! It's time to get back there!

Looking forward to meeting friends here on MFP. I love calorie counting and it's what I've done in the past to lose weight. I'm on day 2 and so far, so good!


    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Welcome to MFP... I'm 28, and I too have had my weight fluctuate, back in 2007 I lost a good deal of weight and was around 165-170... 9 months pregnant i was at 140, The december after having my baby which was december of 2009 I was at 223... Last July I was at 211 and when I started MFP 2 months ago and really started counting calories etc I was at 206... Since starting MFP I have lost 15 lbs, and 14 inches... this really does work but it's like anything else you have to stick to it... you have to look at it as a lifestyle change not a diet... So join in... I find so much support and motivation from the boards! Good luck on your journey!!