First half marathon..

juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
So I have been training for my first half marathon and it's in 19 days. I told myself I needed to get to 10 miles this past weekend and I did!
I can't believe I actually did it, I ran 10.45 miles in 1 hr and 45 minutes. I was so happy. I've been running for quite some time now, but my good friend and coworker persuaded me to sign up for this half marathon. We're running it together - but we won't be side by side, seeing as her pace is faster than mine. Either way I felt so accomplished and proud of myself. Knowing that I could to 10.45 miles this past Friday, I know I can kick butt in my half marathon.

It was my Goal to sign up and finish a half marathon for this year, and I couldn't be more excited to check that off my list and set my next goal! I hope my motivation and hard work can inspire others to keep doing their best and never give up.
put your mind to it and you can do it.

My only concern is, should I run with music or not? (bring my ipod or don't bother)
I'm thinking of just leaving it at home, so I can take in the crowds and be alert to the runners around me.
anyone have other advice. ?

Thanks :)


  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Great job!!!
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    I would check the rules of the race. Some races allow it- others do not. Some races will not enforce, however in my many years of running, I have seen people yanked off courses or have their team disqualified if it was a relay.

    P.S. Congrats! It is such an accomplishment!
  • biggahoona
    biggahoona Posts: 10
    You could bring the iPod along in case you need some added mojo later in the race. But you can start out just listening to the sounds of the race - that's plenty energizing and exciting when you start!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    congrats!! I have the same goal for this year.. I'm signed up for a half in Atlantic City this October, and am training now. I was able to do 4 miles yesterday! best of luck!!
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I'd say skip the iPod/MP3 player...most races have it in the rules no headphones, but so many folks do it anyways. If you aren't going to take in the race what difference is there than running by yourself other than there being people around. Plus if you can't hear people you'll have less of a clue about people moving around you....
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    thanks everyone. I'm going to check the race website to see what their rules are.
    It's just a half marathon no relay , but thanks for the advice and encouragement! :)
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    congrats!! I have the same goal for this year.. I'm signed up for a half in Atlantic City this October, and am training now. I was able to do 4 miles yesterday! best of luck!!

    Congrats to you! next thing you know you'll be up to 5 and keep going! good luck to you also!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I would bring the ipod you can always not use it, but you might find you need that extra oomph halfway through. I know sometimes when I am tired of running I turn on a jamming song and all of a sudden my energy is back! Also just because you have your music on doesn't mean you can't hear whats going on around you, anybody that can't hear their surroundings is blasting the volume too high.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I would bring the ipod you can always not use it, but you might find you need that extra oomph halfway through. I know sometimes when I am tired of running I turn on a jamming song and all of a sudden my energy is back!
    That's exactly why I'm having a hard time deciding if I should just bring it! lol I love how sometimes a song can just get me pumped up again and give me the push I need.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I would bring the ipod you can always not use it, but you might find you need that extra oomph halfway through. I know sometimes when I am tired of running I turn on a jamming song and all of a sudden my energy is back!
    That's exactly why I'm having a hard time deciding if I should just bring it! lol I love how sometimes a song can just get me pumped up again and give me the push I need.

    You know you want your music!! I did the Rock n Roll Half and it was my first, The energy and atmosphere is awesome but it is still grueling and if music gets you pumped and makes the run more enjoyable why not. I don't agree with people that say why bother running in a race if your going to wear headphones, the atmosphere is different whether you are wearing headphones or not. You still have eyes don't ya.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I would bring the ipod you can always not use it, but you might find you need that extra oomph halfway through. I know sometimes when I am tired of running I turn on a jamming song and all of a sudden my energy is back!
    That's exactly why I'm having a hard time deciding if I should just bring it! lol I love how sometimes a song can just get me pumped up again and give me the push I need.

    You know you want your music!! I did the Rock n Roll Half and it was my first, The energy and atmosphere is awesome but it is still grueling and if music gets you pumped and makes the run more enjoyable why not. I don't agree with people that say why bother running in a race if your going to wear headphones, the atmosphere is different whether you are wearing headphones or not. You still have eyes don't ya.
    lol true! I know my friend usually runs with her music, so I'll just check with her, since she ran this race before.

    Thanks again :)
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    Here's a quick update!
    I completed my first half marathon on June 26th

    I was really proud of myself, I ran the whole way and felt awesome, finished strong and was so happy.
    I did it in 2 hours 20 min. for me i'm content and now I have something to work towards for my next race!! :):)

    I also ran with my ipod/headphones. I kept it on low so I could still hear if anyone was passing me and the bands that were playing music as well. But it came in handy when I needed a song to give me that extra push.

    The marathon was the Fairfield Jennings Beach Half Marathon and it was a great turn out, they had around 4500 people running! It was great to see all the people cheering all the runners as well.

    That's all. Just giving an update and sharing my good news!! :):)
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I just found your thread, and that IS fantastic news!!!! I am working hard to follow in your footsteps, and I'm really proud of you! I know how proud I feel just going from barely being able to run for 1 minute to now running 20 minutes without stopping - I would have never thought I had it in me!!! Glad your music situation worked out well!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    Thank you!!
    Just keep believing in yourself and you can do it!
    you should be proud of yourself as well, you have to start somewhere ;)
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    This is great,I'm so excited for you stranger. My training program for my first starts this week. I am running Detroit/Windsor in October. Any advice on the training? I'm so excited to start working, and my goal is ten minute miles (I'm an 8-minute miler in a 5k- do you think 10 minutes is reasonable?)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    That is so awesome! Congratulations and good luck.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    This is great,I'm so excited for you stranger. My training program for my first starts this week. I am running Detroit/Windsor in October. Any advice on the training? I'm so excited to start working, and my goal is ten minute miles (I'm an 8-minute miler in a 5k- do you think 10 minutes is reasonable?)
    Thank you! Thank you! :):)

    I wish you luck. My advice - don't give up.. you can do it. :) My friend who runs marathons all the time, gave me this training schedule.

    I had done 10 miles before she gave me the schedule, but it was nice to go off of something... I didn't follow it exactly, because some days I felt like running more or not doing cross training, vice versa, however, I did rest like it said to do. Hope that helps.
    I think 10 minutes is reasonable! That is what mine was when I was training. I wasn't going fast because it was more about pacing myself for the distance! You can so do it. Stay focused and remember, have fun. :)
    Good luck!

    My plan is to work on my timing and hopefully beat my time since now I have something to work towards. I was proud I ran the whole way and kept going and finished strong. I want to do the Hartford Half Marathon in October here in CT, so that's what I'll be working towards.

    I also will sign up for 5k's and other races through out the summer to increase my speed. :)

    I wish you luck and i'm sure you will do great!!
  • Actavella
    Actavella Posts: 39 Member
    That's so awesome! congratulations! I hope to do a half-marathon by next year! Just excited typing about it!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    thank you..:)
    you so can!!! that was me last year and look where I am now! I said the same thing and i did it.
    keep your goal on focus and you got this :):)
    wish you luck
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