How many of you actually gain on your cheat day rather than



  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Unless you just go on a complete binge, it's pretty hard to actually gain 1-2 pounds of actual fat in one day. The weight gain is most likely just water weight.

    And no, I don't have official cheat days because I want to incorporate the foods that I love into my eating because this is something I am going to do forever. If I want pizza, I get pizza. I just watch my portions and try to make sure the rest of my day has nutritious foods.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Well it's good to know most everyone is saying the extra weight is water weight usually due to sodium. One thing I have always neglected is water consumption. I just hate the taste of plain water. But now I am adding flavor packets to it to make it more appealing and it works. Thanks for everyones input.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I actually don't like the name cheat day. I'm not saying that to be ugly. :-) But this is life. Our one and only life...and this isn't a diet. It's a way of life. Life is too short not to have the foods you love. Do you have them every day? No. Every week? Probably not. But not "cheating" in x amount of days etc, I find to be a recipe for failure as you can't live your life that way. If I'm at a birthday party, I'm going to have a piece of cake. That's not cheating...that's celebrating a birthday. If my husband and I go out for dinner and have a lovely (probably high calorie) meal, then we went out and had a nice dinner. We didn't "cheat". This is the only time I've kept weight off long term, and it's because I just started living a healthy lifestyle. I eat well, exercise etc, and if we want to order Thai on Friday night..we do it...and it never makes a long term difference in weight. So if one day you really want pizza, have some pizza. It's living! Not cheating! Just make sure you don't have it the next day...and the next....;-) Off my soapbox. LOL!
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