Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-June 2011

Welcome everyone!

This forum is for women who are pregnant and are maintaining their fit and active lifestyles to join with other like minded women! I've been on a board with women who were trying to conceive and I've been on a board with women who are pregnant....I wanted to start a group of women who are into fitness and will continue their fitness regimes into their pregnancies and after baby!

If you are trying to conceive please join our sister group at:
They are beyond wonderful and will keep you motivated to stay healthy and lots of info to help with the ttc journey.

The women here are very motivational to each other. We are all at different stages of our pregnancy so if you just found out or you are at the end, please join us!

Link to our previous thread:


  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    Thanks for sharing :)
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    bump... gotta remember this is the new one lol
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome Melissa! Glad you joined us!

    Yes Andrea...if you didn't come on over to the new thread I would have hounded you to find us anyways! ;)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi all!

    I know some one had asked about what my sign is and I'm a Leo.

    I had my 1st ultrasound today! It was so amazing to see our little baby. Baby was kicking and moving around like crazy. It was so special! So far everything is looking great and baby seems to be healthy:happy:

    Hope everyone is having a great day. I will try to catch up more later.

  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
  • I see in the last one it said something about the chosen names.....
    We are at:
    1-Samantha McKenzie
    2-Samantha Grace
    3-McKenzie Grace

    Also here is a link if anyone wants a June challenge:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Nicole I love the name Samantha Grace. So classic and beautiful! They are all very pretty names though.

    Nichole I'm so happy for you! I know what an amazing feeling it is to see the actual baby (not just the bean) on ultrasound. It is awesome to actually see the little person in there. YAY!

    And just so we don't have to keep referring back to the other thread here is a list of everyone's names so we all can remember:

    otm25- Autumn

    Did I miss anyone?!

    Well I did 45mins of Spinning and then I tried out one of my prenatal yoga dvd's that I purchased yesterday. It was "eh". It was a good cool down and stretching from my workout...but 45 minute cooldown/stretch is a little long. I don't feel like I could replace it with any of my workouts. It felt geared towards people who are either very out of shape or literally about to give birth. It is the Crunch Yoga Mama workout. I'd do it again, but only as a cool down.

    Amy I was going to ask you about the Erin O'Brien workout. I saw that one too, but the partner workout threw me off. I'm not interested in doing a workout with my hubby (he does his own "manly" workout). Is that only a small portion of the workout?
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome Melissa!

    Nichole - I loved seeing our little one on the first ultrasound! Really made it sink in for me that there really was a little one in there. It's surprising to me that you go for over half of the pregnancy without really "looking pregnant" so the ultrasound just made it all the more real. I've noticed over the past couple of weeks that I am all of the sudden growing a definite pregnancy bump - I kind of shock myself when I look in the mirror. Or look down for that matter!

    Nicole - We toy with using Grace as either a first or second name if we have a girl. I love it!

    Heather - Yeah for Al coming home early. Less than two weeks now. Whoot whoot! I am always impressed with your workouts, keep up the great work.

    Lexi - yes, sad but true, I was excited about the 70's. It's been a sad, cold, rainy year here in Seattle. Rain, clouds and 60's today. Boo hoo. Hope the move to Tennessee goes smoothly.

    I noticed my ticker the other day - 80 something days left. Oh my! It's starting to go really, really quickly.....third trimester starts tomorrow.
  • jennamom
    jennamom Posts: 12 Member
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I hope everyone's feeling great today! I tend to read through these threads without ever really posting anything. I love get to know you quizzes though :-)

    Name: Danielle

    Age: 29

    Occupation: Dept. of Housing Multi Family Loans

    Dream Job: Teenage Girl Counselor

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Jerry, computer warehouse

    Where are you from: Baltimore Maryland

    Number of kiddos: This will be #4, 10 year old daughter, 3 year old twin boys

    How long did you ttc: We weren't trying this time...I was using the good ole Catholic Ovulation Calendar, which come to find out does not work so well when you don't have regular periods (I was avoiding the wrong days all along...oops)

    Due date: Oct. 20, 2011 It's a Boy!

    Favorite workout/s: boxing/sparring, which is obviosly out of the question right now. Along with pretty much everything else. My doctor has me restricted from everything except a casual walk (high risk for an incompetent cervix) :-(

    Weight prior to baby: 157

    Height: 5' 7

    Goal weight after baby: 150

    The thing the keeps you motivated to workout: Pre-pregnancy - because it made me feel great! Strong and confident. After losing 40 pounds I felt so much more comfortable with myself. Also looking way into the future, I want to be one of those grandmothers who can still be out running with the kids! These will have to be the motivating factors to get me back on track after the baby's born.

    As for names, we recently decided on the name Tyson (which I never thought we'd come to an agreement). It will probably take us just as long to decide on a middle name.
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Bumping over here now that we have moved on!

    THings are going great here, just started feeling real pregnancy syptoms whih is nice, because I still haven't had my first Drs appointment. I am slightly dizzy and my breasts are sore. Such a welcome confirmation! I am lucky because with my first two I never had morning sickness, and this one will hopefully be the same, I am 6w2d in, so that is good.

    Nicole, I love Samantha Grace, what a beautiful name. So much stress in naming kids huh? When I was agonizing over my first born's name, my firend told me not to worry, she would hate whatever we named her. She said that when she was in third grade she wanted her name to be Pegasus from My Little Pony. I laughed and was relieved, our code name for my baby was Pegasus from then on. I knew that we would get a lot of flack for naming her Patience Rebecca so we kept the name a secret throughout the pregnancy. It was a good choice too. How could my mom say she hated it as she held our newborn? We did the same for my son, Vaughn Thomas.

    Nichole, so anxious for my ultrasound, make everything that much more real! Such a great moment.

    Heather, you inspire me to keep working out! I have been hesitating lately because everytime I workout, it increases my calorie intake on here! When I worked out on Monday, I burned over 500 calories which brought my required net calories to 2500!!! THat's a whole lot of food! I just recently lost 24 lbs and am really trying to only gain what I have to with this baby. So I have been keeping my net calories at about 1600-2000, but I am finding myself full and coming up short of my goal! What do you guys think? Eat when you are not hungry? Have you been using maintenace calories or still using your weight loss calories during pregnancy? Don't want to do wrong by this baby, but I want to be the cute skinny prego this time!!!

    Suggestions welcome!!! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    So I have been keeping my net calories at about 1600-2000, but I am finding myself full and coming up short of my goal! What do you guys think? Eat when you are not hungry? Have you been using maintenace calories or still using your weight loss calories during pregnancy? Don't want to do wrong by this baby, but I want to be the cute skinny prego this time!!!

    Suggestions welcome!!! Hope everyone has a great day!

    I'm with you. I am set at 1600 and most days I do at least something to give me more calories which I rarely eat back, instead end up around 1500-1600. I have been aiming for 1200 for months now and I can't get over the mindset of not gaining a ton of weight so I'm kind of struggling. Plus, I used to have around 2000-3000 calories in alcohol a week probably (yeah....I love the wine) which I obviously don't have anymore. I have gained a pound - the first week I switched my intake and I did not gain last week. I weigh tomorrow also.

    Being that this is my first, I have no idea what to expect at my first appointment which is 2 weeks and a day away. Not that I'm counting.... :smile: Did your husbands go to your first appointment? They told me I'd spend an hour with the nurse, which i take to mean lots of questions, blood drawing, peeing in cups, talking about family history, etc. and then I see the doctor. I have heard most people only get one or two ultrasounds if you are not high risk. But if there is any ultrasound, listening to the heartbeat, etc. I know my husband would really want to be there and I want him there. But if it's just a pelvic exam and a bunch of blood drawing, he might as well not waste his time. Any advice?

    I head to Chapel Hill NC for a mini vacation tomorrow so am pretty excited about that. NO work until Tuesday! Woo hoo! Hope you all have a great rest of the week!
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    I learned this one quick, Husband goes to the first one, there is usually an ultra sound, but not what you are thinking. THis one is internal. So you are robed and under the sheets, and they insert the camera (?) to get your first baby pictures. He should definately be there. After this appointment they do not do anything but listen to the heartbeat. He doesn't need to be there for that one. Around 16-20 weeks they schedule your second ultrasound which is when they can usually determine the sex. This one is not internal, but the ones you see on TV. Hubby should be there for this one. My first ultrasound is in 2 weeks as well, the 24th. So excited for both of us!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member

    Nicole: I also love the name Samantha Grace, so pretty! The other names are great though too.

    Heather: Great workout! And thanks for the name list to help remember :0)

    Holly: I can’t wait to have a real bump. I have always had a pretty flat stomach and right no its just bloat. I can’t wait for it to look like a baby bump! That must be so crazy to see yourself that way. That’s awesome that you are almost in your 3rd trimester!

    Danielle: Thanks for sharing! Wow 4 kids, that’s awesome. The age difference is probably nice too. I bet this pregnancy is easier after having twins. Tyson is a cute name. My kickboxing teachers name is Tyson and he is a hottie, hehe.

    Autumn: 6 weeks is when symptoms hit me too. You’re lucky you’ve had no morning sickness. I got it when I didn’t eat right away after waking up or if I ate the wrong things. I’m just starting to feel normal and am so happy about especially now that I know the baby is doing good too. Lack of symptoms when you have no idea what is going on in there can be scary. So some symptoms are welcomed:) I hope you get to see your baby soon. Are you doing the 12 week ultrasound?

    AFM: I am feeling great. I have been eating lots of fruits (strawberries are amazing right now!) and salads now that my body is not making me only eat carbs. I feel more energized and just over all happier. I went to a kick butt Zumba class this morning. I felt so good I had to keep reminding myself not to get too crazy. I really like to push myself which is normally great but I definitely don’t want to overdo it right now. It feels so good to really workout again. I did notice by the last 15 minutes of class that my stamina was definitely not the same, hehe.

    If any of you have an Aqua Zumba class near you I highly recommend it. I did one Saturday and it was fun and so refreshing.

    I also just announced to everyone that I am expecting which has been so fun. It feels great now that everyone knows:0)

    Well I better do some work. Have a great day all!
  • Better Balance..this is our 2nd child and my husband has made it to every appointment. It is nice to have him involved, you never know what might transpire and what questions may come up...I love having him there! I did not have an internal w this one, I did for my first child. I think having them there keeps them involved seeing we do ALL of the work for 9 months, and then some:):laugh:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Ashley, somehow I missed your post.

    My husband did not go to my 1st 2 appointments. The first was just blood work and a million health history questions. The second exam was the pelvic exam and I got to hear the heartbeat. Hubby wanted to wait for the ultrasound which we also got to hear the heartbeat again. Normally most offices only gove you an ultrasound at 18-20 wees but also offer the 12 week 1st Trimester screening which is optional. They do some tests to make sure there are no genetic disorders. I chose to do it only so I could see the baby:0)

    You may call before your appointment and ask what all will be done. They will tell you and then you can determine if he should go or not.

    I love Chapel Hill. I live in Greensboro which is about an hour away. It is a really fun college town. Hope you have a great trip. Make sure to dress for hot weather it has been in the 90's all week.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Thanks Holly! I'm just trying really hard to stay as active as possible for as long as possible so that hopefully after baby comes things will bounce back much quicker. I'm afraid that being 30 my metabolism/body in general post baby isn't going to be as easy to get back into shape as if I were in my 20s.

    Welcome Danielle! Jump in any time! You are most welcome here! :)

    Autumn I would set your calories to maintenance and eat at least that amount, but if you do exercise and you simply aren't hungry after eating a nutritious days worth of calories, don't force yourself to eat! I say eat only when you are truly hungry. I was told by my doctor that a baby is essentially a parasite, meaning they will take from you everything they need to survive and grow and leave you depleted. So if you are eating to the point of fullness, your baby is getting what it needs regardless if that means you eat your exercise cals or not.

    Ashley I think every office differs a little bit. My very first appointment was weight, bp, urine, and blood work to confirm. Talked to the doc to go over any concerns and that was it. My second appt was weight, bp, urine, lots of questions, and a pap and test for std's. Since I had previously had 2 miscarriages in the past couple of months they did schedule an ultrasound at 6wks and then at 8wks. But this wouldn't have happened if the circumstances hadn't have been such. I wouldn't have gotten an u/s until 18-22wks for the growth and anatomy scan. But that is just how it works in my area. I say bring him along if he would like to go, but let him know ahead of time that it might be pretty uneventful. Calling and asking what to expect might be an idea as well.

    Nichole you are a rockstar! Keep up the great work. I say as long as you feel good, you can work as hard as you can. Our bodies will definitely remind us if we push too hard! And I've been craving fruit like crazy too! It tastes sooo good right now. I don't have any specific cravings though...some people who believe in the old wives tales try and pin me down with a boy or girl based on my cravings but I crave everything from peanut M&M's, fruit, burgers, mac n' cheese, steak, pickles, and ice cream/brownies/cookies...sounds a little bit of all the savory and sweet to me. :)

    Well I got in my 45 mins of cardio today. I really don't like working out alone and it bores me quite frankly. I've always been more of a group exercise kinda gal with music blasting and energy pumping. Treadmills, ellipticals, and bikes just don't do it for me....but sometimes you just gotta do whatcha gotta do. I'm going over to my workout partners house later to do an hour of tracy anderson method for toning. She has to sneak in her workouts here and there in between feedings (her baby is now 2 wks old!). I love my home and the area for safety/raising a family...but quite frankly the options for exercise around her sucks. I have to be very creative with my workouts. I used to live in Kansas City and was a member of 24 Hour Fitness and absolutely LOVED the group exercise classes. They hold their instructors to high expectations and they always performed accordingly. I guess living in a small town has its perks, but please if you have access to amazing instructors and classes, don't take it for granted!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day and make healthy choices!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Oh this humidity is killing me ! With the humiditity its almost 100 here everyday in good ol Canada. I wanted warm but geez , how bout some middle ground. I woke up late so went to my later kettlebell class, but decided to ride my bike there and back (14 km total) I figured it was an easy way to get in training for my mini traithlon next week. I was excited for my 5km race sat, but its at 7pm and its still wicked hot here, and me and heat don't always get along. So I'll be playing that by ear. As for food, I have no problem finding something to enjoy with that extra 300 calories - usually either and ice cream or slushie lol. I'm def going to miss that daily treat after the baby comes. We have our 2nd ultrasound friday, and this time the hubby can come so it will be much more exciting, because we find out the sex also!

    Stay cool ladies!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Nice to find you over here! Sounds like everyone contributing to this message board fits the bill of 'Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant!'. I'm loving the posts. You ladies are very inspiring.

    Heather, you asked about "the couples workout" on Prenatal Fitness Fix w/ Erin O'Brien. It came with this as a bonus chapter. Her husband is James Denton from Desperate Housewives. I have no desire to try the couples workout with my husband. That's just not my style. I prefer to workout alone in the house - just my little bub watching does me just fine. The other chapter - the actual workout is all that I do. It's 45 minutes long. Heartrate stays elevated - lots of squats and toning moves. I like it. Seriously though, after your TAM I'm not sure it'll be enough for you!

    Sunny day today and I spent it inside cleaning and catching up on laundry my first day off. Hate that! Wanted to go for a evening walk but of course my city's Vancouver Canucks were playing the Boston Bruins in Stanley Cup Game 4 and I couldn't miss that (even though we lost). Tomorrow my husband is taking the day off work so we can interview a summer nanny (need childcare in my home stretch before my next mat leave) and then celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday. Hope the sun continues to shine! May even take my 13 month old for his first haircut. We'll see what the day brings.

    Keep up the great work, Ladies.

  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    Hello! I am new to the pregnancy world. I am 4w4d with a longggggg way to go!

    Name: DCg8r (anonymous for now, nobody knows in real life)
    Age: early 30s
    Where are you from: Florida (go gators!)
    Number of kiddos: This will be our first!
    How long did you ttc: ummmm May was our "practice" month TTC with charting - oops I guess it worked ;)
    Due date: February 2012
    Favorite workout/s: classes at the gym (Zumba, pilates, ab routines, yoga)
    Weight prior to baby: 154 currently
    Height: 5' 3"
    Goal weight after baby: 127

    Question: At what point does one generally sign up for prenatal yoga classes or those birthing classes? I don't "look" pregnant yet obviously but I want to learn as much as I can asap! My first dr appt is June 29, I'm not sure what to expect. I think it's just bloodwork and questionnaire.