

  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Ahh Im not a morning person and it takes everything I have to get up ( I usually just keep resetting my alarm untill I end up sleeping all day ) but I will try to start making myself get up in the mornings. Thanks for all the help!

    I'm also not a morning person, but that's also because I usually don't go to bed until 2AM. I find that all of the above still applies to my schedule, though. As long as you get yourself on a set schedule, just getting up and going helps.
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    I agree with the posts about you have to move to gain energy, I know it's hard- I'd rather lay around all day too! Having appointments with a trainer really helps me. If it were only me alone heading to the gym it would never happen, but I'd never flake on someone who expects me to meet them. Also going low carb/low sugar would probably be beneficial for energy. Good luck!
  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    I find I am most motivated when I give myself a challenge. This month it has been to move 100 miles in the month of June. It has been HARD to get out of the house, but as soon as June 1 hit, I knew that if I didn't, I wouldn't meet my goal. I am determined to do it. That is what keeps me going out the door.

    Another thing you might think about is getting your levels checked at the dr. You never know when something might be off that is causing that. I have an iron deficiency and really notice when I miss my vitamins. I also have chronic migraines. Headaches everyday are not normal. In my opinion, that warrants a visit to the doctor or at least a call.
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    I have something similar. I'm just sleepy all the time. Left to myself I'd sleep in until noon everyday. I have to fight the urge to take afternoon naps almost everyday. It's totally sucky :(
  • Kristin9902
    Kristin9902 Posts: 50 Member
    Sounds like first of all you need to make a trip to your doc. Have some labs drawn and see if anything is going on there. Your doctor is the first person you should be looking to when your not feeling normal.
  • TiffyBear415_xx
    Thanks for all the advice yall! :)
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    im the same way. i love laying around all day and doing nothing! but i noticed that i only really want to around TOM. I also have CFS (not chicken fried steak but chronic fatigue syndrome) and i noticed its not so bad since I started taking a multivitamin and watching my carbs intake. Not fruit but bread and junk carbs.
    I hate telling people i have CFS they think im just lazy. But its very overwhelming at times cause of the extreme fatigue.

    Best of luck.

    P.S. grab a 5 pound weight and do arm exercises in bed. i love doing that. Not that it makes a difference but i have been known to get up and do some crunches afterward or even a push up or 2. lol
    P.S.S. Im no expert i just know what helps me.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Yep I'll admit I'm pretty lazy too, I can easily spend an entire day on the couch watching tv especially during football season.

    But I've noticed the more I exercise, the more I want to exercise, and the more I exercise, the more I want to eat right, and the more I eat right, the more I cook, and the less lazy I feel.

    I used to come home from work and do nothing for the rest of the day. These days I come home, work out, go to the grocery store, cook dinner, maybe take the dog for a walk or work around the house, and the next thing I know it's bed time. I don't exactly feel better all the time but feel more fulfilled.

    I've noticed that once I sit on the couch it's all over, but If I keep moving then I actually get stuff done.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Get yourself going... You're going to have to use willpower for the first bit. After a while you'll notice that your energy is increasing and you actually feel twitchy if you DON'T work out.
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    You might be suffering from a sleep disorder as well. Talk to your Dr, see if he/she might agree, and set you up for a sleep study. I had one done, and got treatment. Best thing I ever did for my health.