Festival Food

moose_15 Posts: 29 Member
So I'm off to a festival this weekend which is bound to be full of burger/pizza and general fast foody type vans.

I really don't want to eat from them, so where possible, my boyfriend and I are going to pop to a local shop to get some food. Not only will it be healthier, but also cheaper no doubt!

What are others experiences of festival food? Are there usually any healthy alternatives I should keep my eye out for?


  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Sometimes they have things that are "ok" choices. Roasted corn, no butter, chicken on a stick is usually grilled, unsweet tea, bottled water, fruit cup?, sugar free sno cone?,
    Just try to avaid the things you know are bad. Fried stuff, beer, etc. Maybe turkey leg is ok? Lots of protein and its usually roasted, right?
  • skinnyhappy
    skinnyhappy Posts: 152 Member
    Whenever I go to ANY outdoor festival I pack Clif bars (or any granola/protein bar with plenty of protein and fiber) and I take A LOT of water. Water helps keep you full and if you see deep-fried oreos you can just reach for a Clif bar instead. You can also take little ziplocs full of nuts or pack an apple or banana. If you MUST eat something there, choose wisely, treat as a TREAT. And split it with your boyfriend :)
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    I try not to deprive myself. i am a festival-food-junkie!! i just cut my protions in half or me and my husband will share a plate. have fun at the festival!!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    I will usually get something when at a festival (pre-MFP).

    I may still try something, but there is less and less enticement to eat that food now.
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    I was just at a fest this weekend and had the same dillema. I didn't have the option of leaving so I made the best possible choices which were a polish sausage with kraut (i split the kraut and only ate 1/2) only 1/2 the bun with mustard, roasted corn no butter with greek seasoning, and water. I was actually quite surprised at how low the calories were I really thought they were going to be much more. Just make sure you stay away from all the fried foods!!! Staying away from the funnel cakes is a super hard task!!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Eat before and pack some snacks!
  • ajostraat
    ajostraat Posts: 101
    I agree - anything non-fried, and on a stick, tends to be a bit healthier of a choice because they are roasted/grilled. Some places will have chocolate covered strawberries (decent treat), but definitly take some GORP/Trail mix or some sort of Cliff bar and drink plenty of water.
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    Ok, so a lot of you are going to hate what I have to say, but we are entitled to express our opinions so here it goes.

    I consider going to festivals a treat. I don't do it very often, so when I go, I indulge. It's not like you indulge everyday and It's just one day. I workout twice a day 5 day a week and once on Saturday, so I can afford to over indulge one day. But we all do things different. This is just my opinion on the subject.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I go to festivals for the sole purpose of eating the food and no other reason so i'm going to indulge heck yes. Generally it's a once a year thing and you can't do much damage in a couple hours of eating there. Fries, lemon shake-ups, funnel cakes maybe some cotton candy and Italian sausage sandwiches. It's more then ok to be festive as long as it's not a everyday thing which is totally unhealthy.
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member
    I went to a festival last year and there were plenty of healthy choices... Salads, vegan food, pretty much any food you can think of they had it! This was Leeds Festival in the Uk, I don't know where you're from but it might be different in other countries...
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    You're making me want a Glastonbury veggie burger aaaaaggghhhhh!