In need of advice and some motivation

I've been really down in the dumps lately with this losing weight and getting healthy lifestyle. Mainly because I've hit a plateu that just doesn't seem to want to budge.
Since I've started my journey back in December I've lost over 30lbs (with the help of MPF, over 40lbs total since giving birth in Aug '10) but as soon as I hit my prepregnancy weight in April the scale just refuses to budge no matter how much I work out or watch what I eat. I've tried eating more one week to see if it would help but it hasn't (in fact the scale went up!!).

I don't have anyone here at home that can help give me the motivation that I need or anyone to workout with (my husband quit going to the gym after passing his PT test). Because of this there are times when I feel alone and like giving up :sad: .
Any advice on how to beat this plateu would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance :happy: .


  • babydraco269
    dont give up! i just started back today, because i hit the same plateau you did and i gave up. now i'm crawling back 20 pounds heavier than ever! plateaus mean your body has gotten used to what youre doing. Change up your workout routine at the gym, try new machines youve never used before, do things that your body isnt used to, and remember that your not just losing weight, youre getting fit, so your body is building muscle, which weighs more. you can do this!dont give up, i know from personal experience that youll regret it!
  • christinathompson1
    christinathompson1 Posts: 144 Member
    i wasn't seeing results for a while, then i stopped eating my exercise calories and i lost 3 pounds in 3 days.. as for fitness try ZUMBA! you can interact with other people and the music is great. it's great too just not think about anything else and just have a great time! people are very friendly at zumba and I've notice at all the zumba classes I've been too i don't feel like anyone's judging me. drink lotsssssss of water and i heard that the more lose the harder it is to lose more.. just dont give up! it might take some time but stay positive!