One month into P90x -- slow weight loss and BMI reduct.

daddoculbreath Posts: 4
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I've been doing P90x for almost 4 weeks now. -- LOVE the program!
Here's my problem: nearly 1/3 into my first 90-day regimen, my net weight loss to date is "only" 7 lbs.

Here is some brief background data: starting weight (pre-P90x) was 249. Height 5'8", BMI ~38%, BMR ~2,034/day.

So far, I love the P90x program (I've elected to try the "Lean" variety of the program first time around). I find the workouts challenging, and entertaining and not too hard to stick to.
Overall, I am happy about my increased strength, modest muscle build, improved balance, and better cardiovascular endurance.

I've been trying to stick to a daily calorie intake of about 1,520 calories (never dipping below 1,200 daily). Sometimes I "eat back" some of my exercised calories. I also take a daily multivitamin, a vitamin B suppl., and on average about 120g of Protein daily.

At this point I am very hesitant to stick to the P90x diet plan which, according to my personal data values (see above), calls for me to take in about 3,500 calories a day!!!
I'm scared out of my mind to even attempt to try to consume 3,500 cal. daily!

Considering how hard I've been working at the P90x thus far and monitoring my food intake, I've been yo-yo'ing between 0.4 - 1.1 lbs every day (up and down), and the overall rate of decrease in weight (and BMI %) is slow. :-((

I monitor food intake, etc. herer online at MFP. (love that, too)



  • MamaMonkey
    MamaMonkey Posts: 22
    It's supposed to be slow in the beginning, especially the weight loss. You should be tightening up and losing inches for sure though. I hate to tell you this, but Phase 2 is said to have even less weight loss and more muscle gain. It's phase 3 that kicks weight loss into higher gear.

    I agree with the not consuming over 3,000 calories a day, holy cow, that's a lot. I think it said for me to consume like 2500, I'm 5'2" and little, 2500 a day was impossible. Do what you can and leave the rest ;-)

    Stick with it though, P90X is straight awesome! Great job so far!
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    P90X is an outstanding program! As long as you set up MFP right to begin with you should be eating close to your calorie goal each day including eating to replace the calories you burned in exercise. Since MFP daily calorie goals (if set up right) already have a daily calorie deficit built in, if you eat too far below that goal on a regular basis your body will start to horde fat because it thinks there is a food shortage. I had that problem when I started P90X, not eating enough. If you have "modest muscle build" then you may not always see a big change in the scale at first. Are you seeing the change in the mirror? Are your clothes fitting looser? If so than you are making progress. You say you are getting 120g of protein a day. That's a important.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    It's important you follow the P90X guide. I know 3,000 cal a day sounds like a lot! I thought the same thing when I started P90X. But you gotta remember you are doing an extreme workout program and body needs those calories for fuel!

    You could start around 2,500 calories and see how that works for you.. But I highly suggest eating more food!
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I'm in week 9 of P90X and I've kind of quit losing also.

    I just bought a heavy bag and am working out on it too, so today after Plyo, I hit the bag for 20 mins or so (using some of the kempo punch section and some boxing routines).
    I don't eat all of my workout calories either. I also started drinking protein smoothies for breakfast and have recently tried an EAC stack alternative. I'm pretty sure I'm gaining muscle and losing fat, but my weight isn't dropping that much; actually none in the past week, but it was a recovery week. I'm hoping that I work out with maximum intensity this week and when I will weigh in Friday, a ton of weight will have disappeared! :)

    All I can tell you is stick with it!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I'm in week 9 of P90X and I've kind of quit losing also.

    I just bought a heavy bag and am working out on it too, so today after Plyo, I hit the bag for 20 mins or so (using some of the kempo punch section and some boxing routines).
    I don't eat all of my workout calories either. I also started drinking protein smoothies for breakfast and have recently tried an EAC stack alternative. I'm pretty sure I'm gaining muscle and losing fat, but my weight isn't dropping that much; actually none in the past week, but it was a recovery week. I'm hoping that I work out with maximum intensity this week and when I will weigh in Friday, a ton of weight will have disappeared! :)

    All I can tell you is stick with it!

    When was the last time you calculated RMR and everythingt? I did mine once a month to make sure I was eating enough/too much. I started P90X at around 300lbs. So mine stayed the same through out the whole program.
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I'm not a coach or nutritionist so ignore at will...but 1500 calories...and you only *sometimes* eat back your exercise calories? and you're male, 5'8 and 250 lbs. Doing something demanding like P90x?

    EAT MORE CALORIES. How much and what? Listen to somebody else who know more than me. But take it from a tiny, short woman...I blanched when I heard your calorie intake...that's about my maintenance level of calories for a moderately active 107 lbs...

    You are not a small person. And, more importantly, you are not a woman. I think you're perspective on calories has perhaps been skewed by the woman-centered-ness of diet land.

    Just to give you a better picture: If I were doing p90x and wanted to lose weight at my current size (I'm pudgy, but not overweight), I'd estimate that I'd be eating a total of 1500-1600, this is TOTAL, not net, but still. I'm 4'11. Without your testosterone and muscles.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Stick with it .. I'm on day 45 of Round 1. I'm in the same vote, not losing much.

    How the belt and pants are feeling. That's where you will notice more than on the scale.

    i've already put it in my mind that I'm doing more than one round. I know that by 90 days, my round 1, I still won't be able to complete everything Tony does, so it will be on to round 2.

    PM sent
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    When was the last time you calculated RMR and everythingt? I did mine once a month to make sure I was eating enough/too much. I started P90X at around 300lbs. So mine stayed the same through out the whole program.

    I did my BMR the other day and it said 2,181 calories. I eat about 1,500 - 1,800 cals but sometimes burn over 1,000 cals/day based on HRM, depending on the workout. Like today, I have 1,006 cals left. I'm 6'0" and at 278, having lost about 21 lbs since I started P90X. I may just be flat this week because of the recovery week, but maybe not.

    I'm kind of concerned about maybe trying too many things at once, adding the protein, the EAC stack, adding another form of exercise.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    When was the last time you calculated RMR and everythingt? I did mine once a month to make sure I was eating enough/too much. I started P90X at around 300lbs. So mine stayed the same through out the whole program.

    I did my BMR the other day and it said 2,181 calories. I eat about 1,500 - 1,800 cals but sometimes burn over 1,000 cals/day based on HRM, depending on the workout. Like today, I have 1,006 cals left. I'm 6'0" and at 278, having lost about 21 lbs since I started P90X. I may just be flat this week because of the recovery week, but maybe not.

    I'm kind of concerned about maybe trying too many things at once, adding the protein, the EAC stack, adding another form of exercise.

    I took your height and weight and did the your nutrition level and came up with 3,000 cal per day. And If some days you burning 1,000 calories just from your workout's.. Your body isn't getting enough of what it needs! Us bigger guys can get away with lowering our calories a bit. Really you kinda need to play around with it a bit and see what works. And if what you have been doing is working.. I wouldn't worry too much yet! I would still suggest raising your calorie count. Also keep in the mind the scale isn't the whole truth. If you don't already, I'd start keeping track of your measurements.

    As far the the supplements and stuff. Since I started P90X I have been using Whey protein, shakeology and recovery formula. They haven't effect my results at all. I can't comment on the EAC. I don't know anything about it.

    Here is a great tool incase anybody hasn't tried it yet (Download the P90X worksheet).

    I use this thing to track my progress, weight, inches lost, BF etc. All in one neat little program.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Thanks spitfirex007!
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