Dairy products: To consume or not?

Hi everyone,

Recently, I have heard some contradicting information about dairy products. I've heard that if you cut it out of your diet it will aid in fat loss. But I've been told that a small portion of fat free milk as a part of the diet can aid in fat loss as well. Not to mention, I know there are some people that drink low fat chocolate milk as a recovery drink after working out (which is what I have recently started doing). What is your opinion on this topic? I love milk and have drank it all my life and can't really imagine cutting it out of my diet. I don't have much of it during the day just as a part of breakfast and for my recovery drink. Maybe I should limit it during the week instead of having it every day?

If anyone has any personal experience or has any information on this I'd appreciate your help :)


  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Unless you have an intolerance to dairy products, I think that it is a really important part of your overall diet. Regardless of whether it aids weight loss - we need the calcium to keep our bones strong and healthy.
  • inraptorswetrust
    inraptorswetrust Posts: 45 Member
    Calcium can be obtained in far more nutritious and healthier ways than through dairy, so that is a non-issue.

  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    My son was allergic to dairy for the first year of his life. Since I was nursing him, I had to cut all dairy (and soy too) out of my diet. You will lose weight by cutting out this food group BUT you will gain it back fast (and more) if you ever start eating it again. I would not suggest it.
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    Just add it to your diary as any other type of food. Look at what it adds. Try to keep the diary balanced. I add milk at the end of the day to get me to my minimum calories sometimes. It's not the particular food, it's what it contributes (or adds).
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member

    There has been research that shows that people that consume milk have better weight loss (something your body craving foods in order to get the calcium it needs)
    Also, as a women, you NEED it!!
    If you choose not to eat it, at least take a supplement with calcium, vit D and magnesium - Your bones will thank you when you're 65!!
  • jess_steich7
    My son was allergic to dairy for the first year of his life. Since I was nursing him, I had to cut all dairy (and soy too) out of my diet. You will lose weight by cutting out this food group BUT you will gain it back fast (and more) if you ever start eating it again. I would not suggest it.

    That is not something that I would be very happy about!
  • jess_steich7

    There has been research that shows that people that consume milk have better weight loss (something your body craving foods in order to get the calcium it needs)
    Also, as a women, you NEED it!!
    If you choose not to eat it, at least take a supplement with calcium, vit D and magnesium - Your bones will thank you when you're 65!!

    You are absolutely right about my body needing it, especially when I am older!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I think balancing your food groups is important and if you like milk and fit it into your daily allowance I say go for it. It's packed with protein, calcium and vitamin D.
  • LOLmerrill
    LOLmerrill Posts: 43
    Your body does not "need" dairy. AT ALL. Calcium? Yes. Dairy? No. Please read the studies. Dairy is full of horrible hormones and antibiotics. That *kitten* is like cancer.
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    try almond milk it has less calories and tastes a little sweeter!
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    Think about this.... We humans are the only species after that consume milk, as part of our regular everyday diet, from other animals. Yes, we have our mother's milk during infancy as do other animals but that's it. We don't need it. Why do you think so many people are lactose intolerant? Our bodies weren't meant to process it.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Dairy causes me a lot of problems. Acne, gas, headaches, even sinus problems. Many people who suffer from these things don't even know that dairy is the culprit.

    That being said, if you don't have a problem with it, I don't see why you'd need to cut it out. Maybe just use nonfat or lowfat versions instead of the whole.

    However, you do not need to consume dairy to get calcium or Vitamin D. Green leafies are your friends!!
  • spitfire423
    My son was allergic to dairy for the first year of his life. Since I was nursing him, I had to cut all dairy (and soy too) out of my diet. You will lose weight by cutting out this food group BUT you will gain it back fast (and more) if you ever start eating it again. I would not suggest it.

    Both my children required me to cut out all dairy milk, cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream and what not...it wasnt as hard as you might think but..i did loose a lot of the baby fat fast....due to nurseing and diet change that rocked....haha i dont however agree with the addage that if you start eating it again you will gain weight fast. i think that with proper moderation you can eat wahtever you want. now nacho cheese and full fat ice cream and extra cheese pizza....not good for loseing weight but if you deprive yourself of a craveing you'll only want it more....try to find light and healthy choices and be happy...
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Think about this.... We humans are the only species after that consume milk, as part of our regular everyday diet, from other animals. Yes, we have our mother's milk during infancy as do other animals but that's it. We don't need it. Why do you think so many people are lactose intolerant? Our bodies weren't meant to process it.
    We're also the only animals that ship food internationally and make foreign food a dietary staple. Also the only animals to eat the variety of meat that we do.

    Also only animal to use modern medicine and the internet and cars.

    I don't get what you're arguing.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I'm not going to make it an ethical issue (btw, there are a LOAD of animals who would gladly drink anothers milk if they could get it.)

    For ME, I found that switching to soy and almond milk has helped me quite a bit (that and I've pretty much cut wheat out completely.)

    I believe cutting out the things we love completely from our diets is counterproductive. We slip, we binge, we feel guilty and the spiral continues. There are certain things I love that I've found alternatives for. (example, carob covered raisins completely replaced chocolate for me.) And certain things I love that just can't be replaced. (example, Olive Garden anything.) I just work it in to my plan now.

    When I first started I absolutely obsessed over all the medical info, and for every opinion, there was a counter opinion. So I decided instead of quitting what I love, I'd quit reading stupid medical info.

    Happy ever since.
  • LOLmerrill
    LOLmerrill Posts: 43
    Think about this.... We humans are the only species after that consume milk, as part of our regular everyday diet, from other animals. Yes, we have our mother's milk during infancy as do other animals but that's it. We don't need it. Why do you think so many people are lactose intolerant? Our bodies weren't meant to process it.
    We're also the only animals that ship food internationally and make foreign food a dietary staple. Also the only animals to eat the variety of meat that we do.

    Also only animal to use modern medicine and the internet and cars.

    I don't get what you're arguing.

    UMMM... the argument is that our bodies can't process bovine reproductive secretions for sh1t. It's hell on our systems. Just because you *can*, doesn't mean you *should*. Just a thought.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    UMMM... the argument is that our bodies can't process bovine reproductive secretions for sh1t. It's hell on our systems. Just because you *can*, doesn't mean you *should*. Just a thought.
    Is there any reason to believe it's hell on our systems outside of those who have some sort of intolerance?
  • LOLmerrill
    LOLmerrill Posts: 43
    I would just advise you to read. Or enjoy the hormones, pus, antibiotics and bacteria. YUM.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    I would just advise you to read. Or enjoy the hormones, pus, antibiotics and bacteria. YUM.
    You didn't answer my question, though. Realize I don't drink milk, though I still eat cheese.

    Just because you don't like the idea of consuming hormones, antibiotics, etc. doesn't necessarily imply they are detrimental to our health.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Humans have been consuming dairy products for thousands of years, for some people it's a great source of nutrition, for others it doesn't agree with them at all. Like so many other "discussions" in the weight loss area you will find people to argue any point of view you choose to put up!
    My opinion is that if you like diary products and don't have any medical or ethical reason not to consume them - go for it! Just make sure you keep and eye on the calories and the nutrients so your diary is in balance.
    Personally I'd rather drink milk than a factory produced combination of chemicals like many beverages out there... but that's just me!