Very sore ball of foot...HELP!?!

I recently started walking the Canal Walk in Indy. It is a three mile walk and I enjoy it very much! However, the ball of my right foot became sore on my third walk and worse on my fourth. So, I stayed away from the Canal for a few days until the blister healed. I am diabetic and have to be careful with my feet. Tonight I walked for the first time since the blister and now the area is very red, swollen and VERY tender! I am afraid this is going to put an end to the walking. I am extremely frustrated and in need of any suggestions....THANK YOU for all and any help!!!!


  • kjstaley70
    kjstaley70 Posts: 15 Member
    Oh goodness! Have you checked to see if you need new shoes? Perhaps they aren't proper walking shoes? I sure hope you don't end up with an issue that stops you from walking. If this does curtail you for a bit find a pool. I have a plantar issue in my right foot and have found the elipitical and a pool are the best to rest that foot. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
  • monoxidechick
    I would recommend new walking shoes as well. Go to a fitness store and be sure that you are fitted properly. I had major foot issues when trying to run with the wrong shoes. They were good shoes, but not for my feet. Walking also puts lots of stress on the feet, be sure that the shoes are working for you.
    Good luck with your feet, I know how frustrating it is!!