
Alisi1234 Posts: 131 Member
I'm not sleepy and its 1230am. I just want to snack! I'm not hungry but just want to snack!!


  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Don't do it! Drink some water and go to bed! Sweet dreams!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Have a big drink of water and do something to distract you for awhile. I crochet. I need both hands and i am doing something productive. Exercise works too.
  • nouh220200
    nouh220200 Posts: 39 Member
    go ahead and snack and then go and lay on bed and turn off the lights and u will be gone
  • teelee206
    teelee206 Posts: 1
    I'm a matter of fact, this is my first day and my first time ever posting anything, but I was reading this and I had to respond. I get the same way. A LOT! I'm thinking maybe a big glass of ice water and then maybe munch on the ice afterwards might do the trick. Sometimes just the sound of the crunch or the motion of the chewing will do it for me....hang in there and be can do it!
  • mental_release
    The food is just a place holder. If you're still up at 12:30am and need something to help you sleep. If you're not tired, the food is just "keeping you busy". If you're like me, you need *your mind* busy.

    I too find myself wandering my home now and then thinking, "What can I eat?" If I catch it, I'll start a conscious, out-loud dialogue with myself (usually not around others ;) ). I'll ask, "Am I hungry?" Pay attention to your stomach. Does it feel like it needs something, then eat something...lite. If not, there is another emotion in there you hooked up with food. Dive in and see if you can find out what's really bothering you. Lonely? Worried? Nervous? Think about your current "happenings" (school, work, spouse, kids, etc) and see if the feeling gets stronger.

    Sometimes going through this, realizing nothing really is bothering you is enough to calm you down, send you to bed, and let you fall asleep. If not, hopefully you'll have a better idea what is on your mind and you can find a better way to deal with it other than food.

    Good luck and don't hesitate to add me as a friend.
