I wish I liked...



  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    I Hate the texture of mushrooms as did my brother. When were kids my mum would chop them up really small in a Spag bol. Now I cannot eat a Spag bol without mushrooms. I don't chop them up as small but have to have them in it. I can even stomach them in stir frys. It is about perseverance!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    steak - good!
    chicken (white meat only) - perfect!
    rice - brown rice. you will like it
    pasta - good. they even make whole wheat pastas and pastas fortified with protein!

    All of the fruits and veggies you mention are great! Canned veggies have a ton of sodium though. Look for frozen alternatives to what you buy canned.

    with the above, you'll have a good base to build from

    How about any of these:
    pork chops
    sweet potatoes or potatoes
    whey protein mix

    Edit: MellowGa was faster!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    My advice is to eat more of the healthy stuff you DO like, and maybe try some new stuff every week to see if there's something else you might like.

    I'm lucky. I was raised on fresh fruits and vegetables. I grew up in the middle of an orchard, so now I can't live without apples. I've also learned to love a lot of the stuff I avoided as a kid, like mushrooms and onions (although, don't ask me to eat raw mushrooms, 'cause that's not happening). I also LOVE fish and other forms of seafood, because they were always such a treat when I was younger.

    What I wish I liked is whole almonds. Pretty much any other nut I can handle, and I can even handle the skinless almonds, but the whole ones just kind of make me gag. I don't know what it is, but I just can't handle them.
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Yes..I haven't been completely depriving myself of my sweets. I get too pissy when I do that and my husband threatens to tie me down and force feed me ice cream. Apparently I become like the Exorcist or something..haha

    Anyway, I am trying to just limit what I eat and in the last 2 weeks I think I have done very well. I used to blow a days worth of calories just on candy/junk food alone. I haven't done that in 2 weeks and now my body knows when I am getting too much sugar and I'll start to feel sick. I guess that's a good thing right?

    I was basically just wishing that I liked healthier foods so that I could 1. be healthier and 2. I know it would help me lose more weight a little faster then if I'm eating the junk food.

    And my problem with rice and pasta is that they're loaded with carbs which aren't always a good thing.....
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Yes..I haven't been completely depriving myself of my sweets. I get too pissy when I do that and my husband threatens to tie me down and force feed me ice cream. Apparently I become like the Exorcist or something..haha

    Anyway, I am trying to just limit what I eat and in the last 2 weeks I think I have done very well. I used to blow a days worth of calories just on candy/junk food alone. I haven't done that in 2 weeks and now my body knows when I am getting too much sugar and I'll start to feel sick. I guess that's a good thing right?

    I was basically just wishing that I liked healthier foods so that I could 1. be healthier and 2. I know it would help me lose more weight a little faster then if I'm eating the junk food.

    And my problem with rice and pasta is that they're loaded with carbs which aren't always a good thing.....
    Carb heavy isn't inherently bad. The only food that is bad is whatever stops you from keeping a caloric deficit and results in a macronutrient imbalance. No food is inherently good or bad without knowing the entire day's worth of eating.
  • TwistedBanana
    It seems like you are making changes in your life and small changes make BIG differences you just might not see the results you want right away. Currently I live my life 80% healthy and 20% unhealthy so that I don’t feel deprived of my good yummy bad foods, but I also feel proud when I eat healthy and by having that ratio I still lose weight and I don’t feel like I’m on a diet. You have some yummy fruit and vegies on your list so try to find way to include those earlier in the day and that way you’ll be less likely to eat too much of an unhealthy item later on.
    Green apples with peanut butter=yumyum but easy on the pb its high in fat
    Green grapes….toss some in the freezer they will become your new candy! Sooo good!
    Rice and pasta…go with wheat! So much better for your body! Take good care of what you love! And after a while you won’t be able to tell the difference.
    And you can make a great salad from the vegies you like to eat fresh. You don’t have to eat something just because other people say they have lost weight from it. If you don’t like it then don’t eat it! But try your best to find something just as healthy that you DO like. My list of fruits and vegies is no longer than yours but I eat them EVERY day! Canned fruits and vegies are better than none! Just check out what they are canned with. You don’t want weird chemicals or too much syrup.
    It takes time to like healthy foods. You won’t wake up one day loving anything, but you can make a difference in the way you eat if you want to.
    NEVER underestimate your power to change yourself.