Those who weigh more then 300lbs.....

I am looking for advice, I weigh well over 300lbs, 5'4" and I want to be down to 140lbs. The biggest losers can lose a ton of weight in a short time but I can't seem to lose much at all. When or if you are as big as me, what do you set your calories at and how does your food dairy's look like. Like do you have more fat and less sodium levels. Also how do you exercise. I mean at this weight any kind of moving is a workout to your body. I just want to know how to do this. I am low income but I want to loss weight. My goal is to be under 300lbs by the end of Aug. when I go back to school.

Also if you have already lost a alot of weigh I want to know what your tips are because I can't seem to move the scale at all last week I only lost .4lbs and that just not right imo. Please any help is great.

I want to add : Am I doing to much because I can't seem to keep up with the dvd's, I put them in and I can do an hour if I really have the energy then I break and by the next dvd I can hardly do 20 mins. DO I need longer breaks or only do one dvd.


  • CraigIW
    CraigIW Posts: 176
    My wife has the same issues and has lost 20lbs in eight weeks simply by sticking to the calorie intake specified for her on MFP. She is also trying to keep her sugar levels down, and drinking plenty of water. She is doing no exercise yet as it aggrivates her knee, but she is already feeling the knee is a bit better.

    What calorie limit are you using?
  • Achlys101
    Achlys101 Posts: 44
    Also I don't want to just lose a lb here or 2 lbs I want to lose the weight by at least 10lbs a week until am under 250lbs. It would be different if I was only 130 then 1lb is alot but at my weight its nothing.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Biggest loser isn't the "ideal" and most healthiest way to lose it. They have medical professionals and spend numerous hours a day in the gym (it's basically their job) and are on a restricted caloric intake. Ideally you should be consuming 1200 or more calories a day (unless you have a doctor that's given you permission to do otherwise). In other words, don't compare your journey to the biggest loser contestants because it's not healthy to lose as fast as they have. They have TONS of lose skin for a reason. The slower you lose the better. I'm set a 2lbs a week...sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less. I go with the flow. I'm well over 300lbs and I've already lost 33lbs in roughly 100 days. I don't want to drop 100lbs in 5 months...not my goal. This isn't a fade diet for me, it's a forever change, a journey, and something I know will always have ups & downs and I accept that.

    I change up my workouts. Right now I'm sick so I'm down to walking 30 minutes...sometimes less. When I started, I could barely move...5 minutes of standing took a toll on me. Cleaning my house was exercise and I had to stop often. Now I'm up to over 2 miles when I do my big walks, my last walk was 1.6miles. I started slow...and upped it each time. Low impact, slow and steady wins the race. Listen to your body and go with the flow. Eat healthy...try to eat as many fruits/veg as possible...make sure you watch your sodium because it's just as important as calories and make sure you're drinking tons of water.
  • tanyizzle
    tanyizzle Posts: 56 Member
    when I started I was at 350lbs. I am now at 304!!! I have been eating 1400 calories a day and working out 6 days a week. I will allow myself a cheat day 2 times a month. my workouts consist of 3 days at curves and 3 days using an elliptical at home. If you have a limited income walking is always a good way to start. You could also buy some work out videos for home( I love 30 day shred) Hope this helps! Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Also I don't want to just lose a lb here or 2 lbs I want to lose the weight by at least 10lbs a week until am under 250lbs. It would be different if I was only 130 then 1lb is alot but at my weight its nothing.

    10lbs a week is NOT healthy or advised. 10lbs a month is doable...

    1lb is HUGE...1lb of fat is an insane amount of fat to lose in 1 week. You have to get out of the mind frame that 1lb of fat is miniscule. It's A HUGE DEAL!
  • Achlys101
    Achlys101 Posts: 44
    According to this 1900 since I lost 10lbs but I never eat that much but I normally get in about 1550 calories a day with the new diet. Of course my diet is just me changing less healthy for more healthy like, no more white bread in the house and only low fat stuff. No pop and lots of water which is complete 180 for me.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I started out at 375 and have lost 50 pounds since January 19th. I never eat the number of calories this site says too. I started out eating between 800-1000 calories daily and lost the first 30 pounds. That was with no exercise other than playing the Wii sports 3 days a week. I then hit a plateau and under doctor recommendation did the hcg diet for 43 days during which time I lost an additional 17 pounds. During that time I walked 1.2 miles 3-4 days a week. I am now at my 4th plateau since January. I am also back on the 800-1000 calories a day and exercising. My exercise varies depending on my mood and how I feel. As for the eating....I try to keep my sodium below 2500 mg and I drink at least 96 oz of water or tea daily (with no sugar) and I do not eat any refined sugar. I also try to keep my carbs at or below my protein level. And I am in 3 groups and started a group on here for motivation and challenges and support.

    Best wishes to you in your journey. Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I started at 328 - and is now down to 238.....

    Calorie wise I started with 1700 calories, and then went down to 1500 after I had lost the first 35 pounds....

    My food diary is open to anyone, so you are welcome to look at what I eat - lots of vegetables :-)

    I started exercising from day one - twice a week doing weights in the gym, and walking every day....I started with about 10 minutes a day and pushed my boundaries every week to walk a bit further, or a bit faster...... now if I do not have a "training day" I make sure I walk at least 30 minutes - but preferably 45 minutes to an hour....

    Good luck - and just keep on challenging yourself - before you know it you will start seeing some great changes!
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    It's going to take time, you didn't put the weight on overnight so coming off is the same way. Its about changing the way you live. It takes time and work. I've only lost 4 lbs since I've been on here almost 3 weeks now, but hey after almost 4 years of trying to loose anything that 4lbs is HUGE to me, shoot I wanna get up and do a happy dance over it. It will take time and celebrate every little victory because those will keep you going.
  • FruitLoop05317
    I am looking for advice, I weigh well over 300lbs and I want to be down to 140lbs. The biggest losers can lose a ton of weight in a short time but I can't seem to lose much at all. When or if you are as big as me, what do you set your calories at and how does your food dairy's look like. Like do you have more fat and less sodium levels. Also how do you exercise. I mean at this weight any kind of moving is a workout to your body. I just want to know how to do this. I am low income but I want to loss weight. My goal is to be under 300lbs by the end of Aug. when I go back to school.

    Also if you have already lost a alot of weigh I want to know what your tips are because I can't seem to move the scale at all last week I only lost .4lbs and that just not right imo. Please any help is great.
    I started out at 323, i am 5'3" and have a very small frame, so for me to be that heavy was awful. my first week dieting i cut out all sugar completely, i didnt add any salt to anything, and i ate nothing fried. I only drank water. I lost 9 pounds that week. since then i have leveled off to about a pound or two a week, and i am now down to 268 and started jogging tonight but for the most part my exercise just comes from walking my dogs and mowing the grass. I also play the wii sports and wii golds gym dance work out. hope that helps.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Also I don't want to just lose a lb here or 2 lbs I want to lose the weight by at least 10lbs a week until am under 250lbs. It would be different if I was only 130 then 1lb is alot but at my weight its nothing.

    10lbs a week is NOT healthy or advised. 10lbs a month is doable...

    1lb is HUGE...1lb of fat is an insane amount of fat to lose in 1 week. You have to get out of the mind frame that 1lb of fat is miniscule. It's A HUGE DEAL!

    I totally agree with eeekkyy... be realistic and you will lose the pounds one by one...... and keep it off.......there are many people on here that started where you are now - and we are seeing the results - 1 or 2 pounds a week - but hey - here I am 90 pounds lighter than I was in September last year....
  • lfcutie
    lfcutie Posts: 103 Member
    I am over 300 and i have lost about 38 lbs in the last 3 months....i dont know if that is fast or slow ...all i know is the get thin quick diet dont work if you want to change your life.....i just started exercising and i have cable and use the "on demand" exercise tv.... i do 15 minutes of kickboxing then change it up and 20 minutes of salsa....the trick is to find what kinda workout you like.....some weeks the scale doesnt move and other weeks it just have to stick with it.....i live on a budget too....i try to buy things when they are on sale and stock up here and there when i can:)
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I am over 300 and i have lost about 38 lbs in the last 3 months....i dont know if that is fast or slow ...all i know is the get thin quick diet dont work if you want to change your life.....i just started exercising and i have cable and use the "on demand" exercise tv.... i do 15 minutes of kickboxing then change it up and 20 minutes of salsa....the trick is to find what kinda workout you like.....some weeks the scale doesnt move and other weeks it just have to stick with it.....i live on a budget too....i try to buy things when they are on sale and stock up here and there when i can:)

    I <3 ondemand! They have so many videos. I think during summer I'll be video'd out lmao
  • Achlys101
    Achlys101 Posts: 44
    I edited somethings to my first post that am 5'4" and I been doing workout dvd's. And yes I understand that a lb is a big deal but one pound isn't losing fat for me because if that was true in one day I won't gain 7 lbs and that happen last week. I am jumping between 10lbs every other day it seems. According to my doctor I should be losing more then a pound a week.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    First of all, props to you for choosing to do this. :) Getting started is half the battle.

    Here is a great article that someone on MFP linked:

    Now, 10lbs a week is more than a pound a day. I guess it's possible for the first week or two, but beyond that, it's probably impractical, and even if it happened, it would result in sagging bags of excess skin!!!

    What I really want to tell you is, it's okay to want to drop weight fast (we ALL do, barring bags of skin), just don't let your expectations discourage you. 2-4 pounds per week is vastly preferrable to 0 pound, or even weight gain... don't you think? No matter how slow it seems at times, don't give up, and you will get to 140 eventually. It's the only way to get there AND stay there!

    If, at any time, you feel like you need more motivation to keep going, don't hesitate to pop in and ask for support!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I edited somethings to my first post that am 5'4" and I been doing workout dvd's. And yes I understand that a lb is a big deal but one pound isn't losing fat for me because if that was true in one day I won't gain 10 lbs and that happen last week. I am jumping between 10lbs every other day it seems. According to my doctor I should be losing more then a pound a week.

    I started at nearly 400lbs. I know how big of a deal 1lb's huge. It's 1 day at a time. If you're impatient and comparing yourself to others you will go insane.

    In regards to your gaining 10lbs in a day...when are you weighing yourself? weigh in the AM, after poo, after pee, before you eat, naked. If you weigh at the end of the day after you've eaten you will weigh more (I've weighed up to 7lbs more at the end of the day). I think setting to lose 2lbs a week is a healthy goal. Are you drinking enough water? Watching your sodium? Are you eating enough? Eating too few calories can have the opposite effect.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I edited somethings to my first post that am 5'4" and I been doing workout dvd's. And yes I understand that a lb is a big deal but one pound isn't losing fat for me because if that was true in one day I won't gain 7 lbs and that happen last week. I am jumping between 10lbs every other day it seems. According to my doctor I should be losing more then a pound a week.
    IMO, the best way to check your weight is to do it in the morning. As eeeekie said, right after you wake up, use the toilet, don't eat/drink anything, and weigh yourself naked (OR use the same cloth every time, which is what I do). That way you minimize fluctuation, which can be caused by food weight, water weight, etc.

    Water weight fluctuation is impossible to 100% eliminate, but that way, you can really minimize it.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    stop weighing yourself so much- weigh once a week tops
    take your measurements every few weeks

    drink your water
    eat lots of fruits and vegetables
    then see in a few weeks how you are doing ...
  • DeBiKin
    DeBiKin Posts: 107 Member
    As far as inexpensive food goes, lentil beans one of my favorite diet foods because they (are not only cheap but they) are really easy to cook, high in fiber & protein and low in fat. Other beans are filling and have the protein & fiber but take a lot longer to cook.
    If you lose weight too quickly you will be stuck with skin that can't keep up with the fat loss and will sag.
    If you have been crash dieting your metabolism may be slow so you may need to give your system a little more time to speed back up again (so keep up with the plan) but if you don't see a good amount of weight loss after a while you may want to find out if your thyroid is functioning normally (it can really slow down your metabolism).
    You can reach your goal on time but only one day at a time. :happy: Good luck!!!
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    I'm 5' 5" and my highest weight was 329 in January 2011. I started MFP April 22nd and am down to 307.5 as of this morning. That's 14.5 pounds in 47 days, which is 1/3 of a pound per day, which averages out almost exactly to the 1000 pound deficit MFP builds in for me each day.

    For me, that's the evidence I need. This works and I'm going to stick to it.

    Yes, it would have been nice to lose 50 pounds in those 47 days, but that wouldn't have been good for my body and it probably wouldn't have been a sustainable weight loss.

    My diary is open if you'd like to take a peek. I eat six times per day and try to stick to whole grains, nuts, fruit, veggies, lean meats, and low fat dairy. I do go out to eat occasionally, so I try to make the very best choice I can or I plan ahead for a splurge, knowing I can get straight back on the wagon the following day. I have my slip-ups and cravings and I'm not perfect by any means, but I feel now that my good decisions are outweighing my bad decisions, which certainly wasn't the case before MFP!

    For exercise, I use Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. The set I have has 20, 30, and 45 minute workouts and they're all easy (in that I can complete them!) but they're just difficult enough that I want to stop about halfway through every single time. I also modify them with more or less arm movements or bigger or smaller movements depending on how much energy I have that day.

    I also use the UK version of The Biggest Loser's Ultimate Workout. It's fantastic and has real (i.e., fat!) people in the background, which is pretty damn motivating because if they can do it, I can do it. No excuses!

    I also have the 30 Day Shred and have done it once BUT I need to lose more before I'll be able to do the push ups and jumping jacks in Level 1, let alone the plank positions that come later in the series. So that might have to wait for a couple of months!

    I also have a treadmill and use it occasionally. I'll use it more once I get down to 280 pounds as I'm over the weight limit for it and am afraid to run on it! :laugh: My plan is to start Couch to 5k once I hit 280, and I'll also use the treadmill a lot more once the weather gets cold.

    Feel free to add me -- I know how you're feeling and I also know that this is possible! This is the LAST TIME I'll ever lose this weight. This is a change for life and I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do and would love to cheer you on as well. :smile: