What do you have in yours? Packed Lunch

Hi all,
I would like some ideas for my packed lunch, I am finding it a little hard varying my lunch.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Sorry to hijack, I'd be interested in this too as I always seem to end up with a sandwich, banana and a yoghurt!!! *rolls eyes* Talk about boring LOL.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Today I had frosted mini wheats (touch of fruit) skim milk, granola bar, and watermelon. Yesterday was chicken breast and swiss on wheat, grapes. Boring too
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I have wraps with a little chicken breast, spinach, cheese and dijon mustard. Sometimes I toast them if the queue isn't too long to use the toaster at lunchtime (I only get half an hour so time is imperative!)

    Leftovers from dinner the night before.

    Flavoured tuna on crackers is also nice - I like the sweet chilli one.

    Vegie soup - made from my Gran's special recipe
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I have to take breakfast and lunch into work with me. I usually have baked beans (we have a microwave in the office) and melba toast or dutchcrispbakes and a banana for breakfast.
    For lunch I always box up a salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish, red onion, sweetcorn and chicken or tuna and then follow it with a low fat chocolate mousse or a weightwatchers dessert.
  • mackeyj
    mackeyj Posts: 11 Member
    Cook extra dinner, you'll have a tastier lunch, be able to heat it up quick, and save money on buying food in bulk packages.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Not super exciting, but since you asked:

    Chicken salad (made from leftovers from my husband's roasted chicken) with lettuce and avocado in a Joseph's 60-cal pita; a cheese stick, and a salad (just lettuce and tomatoes). My AM snack, which is also packed is carrot sticks and plain yogurt for dipping.

    Packing lunches is so smart health- and money-wise, but it can get a bit monotonous, so it's kind of nice to get ideas from other people!

  • EPingul
    EPingul Posts: 23 Member
    I had edemame ('steamed from frozen' soy beans), small serving of ravioli (Buitoni chicken and mushroom marsala), salad with light italian dressing, a Fresca and a 100 calorie pack of Keebler fudge shop cookies. Now granted, I'm just starting so I haven't gotten bored with my foods quite yet, but they have some really excellent foods out there... I've just got to watch my portion sizes :) Doing well so far with my calorie intake... have you tried "spicing up" your boring sandwich? If you use oregano or mediterranean seasoning melted in with a bit of cheese, it gives a plain turkey sandwich some good flavors. Also, been on a strawberry kick! Yummy with a light vanilla bean fruit dip! Any body else got anything good?
  • EPingul
    EPingul Posts: 23 Member
    I had edemame ('steamed from frozen' soy beans), small serving of ravioli (Buitoni chicken and mushroom marsala), salad with light italian dressing, a Fresca and a 100 calorie pack of Keebler fudge shop cookies. Now granted, I'm just starting so I haven't gotten bored with my foods quite yet, but they have some really excellent foods out there... I've just got to watch my portion sizes :) Doing well so far with my calorie intake... have you tried "spicing up" your boring sandwich? If you use oregano or mediterranean seasoning melted in with a bit of cheese, it gives a plain turkey sandwich some good flavors. Also, been on a strawberry kick! Yummy with a light vanilla bean fruit dip! Any body else got anything good?
  • EPingul
    EPingul Posts: 23 Member
    I had edemame ('steamed from frozen' soy beans), small serving of ravioli (Buitoni chicken and mushroom marsala), salad with light italian dressing, a Fresca and a 100 calorie pack of Keebler fudge shop cookies. Now granted, I'm just starting so I haven't gotten bored with my foods quite yet, but they have some really excellent foods out there... I've just got to watch my portion sizes :) Doing well so far with my calorie intake... have you tried "spicing up" your boring sandwich? If you use oregano or mediterranean seasoning melted in with a bit of cheese, it gives a plain turkey sandwich some good flavors. Also, been on a strawberry kick! Yummy with a light vanilla bean fruit dip! Any body else got anything good?
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Today I'm having a small green salad with basil olive oil and mozarella, and a side of a small portion of spinach and pine nut egg-pasta.
  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    2 slices of turkey (lunch meat)
    1 small avacado
    1 medium tomato
    30 Special K Cracker Chips

    It was good :)
  • stripedsocks
    Today, home-made potato salad, cottage cheese, ham, onions, peppers, a banana and an apple - what a feast!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Today I have two wholemeal pitta breads cut in half and stuffed with a dab of houmous, a slice of pastrami and as much spinach, watercress and rocket salad as I could fit in there. Scrummy!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I always have 1 serving of tofu, 6 kalamata olives, 3 or 4 dates, 1/4 cup mixed nuts w/ 1 tbsp. honey, 1/2 cup sliced carrots, 1/2 cup snap peas, 5 or 6 cherry tomatoes, 1/4 of an avocado, and 1/2 cup cucumber slices. I have trouble eating breakfast, so I make up for it during lunch.
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    Today I have green salad, cherry tomatoes, 2 spoons of coleslaw and 6 slices of turkey, with a mullerlight yoghurt for after. Not very original :)

    Sometimes I have some leftovers from dinner, bring in a baked potato and filling or have soup and a bread roll.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I like baby carrots and a pb+J :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Today I have half of a sandwich on multigrain bread with chicken breast, lettuce, mustard. Side dish is 4 ounces of plain Greek yogurt and I will mix in 1/2 c of Kashi Go Lean Crunch before I eat it.

    I love snack lunches where I will eat celery w/peanut butter and raisins, a mini Babybell light piece of cheese, maybe some crackers, a banana, and a hard boiled egg. It feels like I am constantly grazing!

    I also like to make wraps or sandwiches with hummus, sprouts, lettuce, and tomato.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I bring a salad or sandwich usually...
    for salads I use salad mix from a bag (usually caeser or romaine) and have it with lots of cumcumbers, some shredded mozzarella cheese, and sometimes walnuts, sometimes the hard chinese noodles... if I don't have cucumbers I add chopped zucchini and sometime chopped strawberries.. very simple but tasty!

    for sandwiches I use weight watchers wheat bread (40 cals a slice) and today I have salami (my provolone cheese went bad! wah) but my other sandwiches are tuna fish w laughing cow cheese spread, pb and j, egg salad, chicken salad... varies on my mood that morning and how much preparing I feel like doing (as you can see, this morning I didn't want to do any so I just put salami in my bread haha).

    I also bring a weight watchers jello and strawberries or half an apple and sometimes a little babybel light cheese...
  • eveydunton
    eveydunton Posts: 32 Member
    I like sushi and it is high in protein and low in calories!