Newbie, looking for advice to keep fit after knee op!

Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
Hi all,

I'm so excited to get some support to get motivated to be more active!

Basically I was looking for some exercise advice. I am watching what I eat, and eating and snacking really healthy but there's something I can't help - I'm pretty limited as to what I can do to exercise. I work in the inner city (desk job) and often work late nights, I commute so can only fit in small amounts of exercise during the week. Also, I don't have the money to join a gym (and I don't like being stuck inside!). And the biggest issue is I have had two knee arthroscopy's in the last two years, so I have only 20% of cartilage remaining in my left knee and was told after the operation that I shouldn't do any exercises or sports that involve impact i.e. running. I don't have a bike at the moment, and have been trying to go for long walks but it's hard to fit them in. I'm only 23 so it's really frustrating - I just want to keep in shape as I used to be so active and toned! Any ideas??

Thanks so much


  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Jen
    Welcome to MFP! You'll get loads of support on here.
    Your exercise options do seem fairly limited - I would suggest swimming or walking when you get the time, and what about Pilates? It won't burn a load of cals, but it will help keep you toned and stretched. A lot of athletes use it when they are recovering from injuries so it should be ok. Are you getting any physio for your knee? If so, your physio should be able to give you some exercise ideas.
    Feel free to add me as a friend,
  • Hey!
    Im recovering as well, totally sucks.
    Well, swimming is not good to start off with, it tears to much as you "kick" when you swim.
    Light running or power walking is a good exercise to keep the knee strong and healthy, if you go to the gym you can use the crosstrainer :-) Try to avoid anything that have an "heavy" inpact on the knee (such as running down hill, running in stairs etc..:)

    You can hit the gym as you did before, calf and thigh exercises are REALLY good for your knee :)
    hopefully you got some help out of this note:)
    Good luck!
    Hi all,

    I'm so excited to get some support to get motivated to be more active!

    Basically I was looking for some exercise advice. I am watching what I eat, and eating and snacking really healthy but there's something I can't help - I'm pretty limited as to what I can do to exercise. I work in the inner city (desk job) and often work late nights, I commute so can only fit in small amounts of exercise during the week. Also, I don't have the money to join a gym (and I don't like being stuck inside!). And the biggest issue is I have had two knee arthroscopy's in the last two years, so I have only 20% of cartilage remaining in my left knee and was told after the operation that I shouldn't do any exercises or sports that involve impact i.e. running. I don't have a bike at the moment, and have been trying to go for long walks but it's hard to fit them in. I'm only 23 so it's really frustrating - I just want to keep in shape as I used to be so active and toned! Any ideas??

    Thanks so much
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    bump!! I've got one bad one and another one going out. I'm only 27. WTH?! tendinitis, then bursitis, now arthritis. I could use this advice you're getting. :) Good luck
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    again swimming and weights workout on the top half!
  • Jen_ht
    Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I have tried swimming, but it does get pretty sore after because of the kicking. I am trying to walk as much as possible, but it's a motivation thing - hard to persuade yourself to walk an hour after work if it's raining or you're just too darn tired! Pilates is a good one (but I'm on pretty limited budget per month so I have to find a class I can afford - hence no gym memebership)

    I have an Indo board to work on my core strength and build up muscles around my knee, does anyone know if this works off calories, or is it just a strength/balance builder?
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    There are some pilates vids on youtube- might be worth a look?