Breeze4ever888 Blogs - Today: Shopping is My Exercise!

Hey people.

Shopping! Yes! I love to shop! Oh I think some of you (guys) under-estimate the power of a good shopping spree. Ladies, you know how sore and tired you are after a hard day of shopping and guys, you know how sore and tired you are following us around. My hubby always complains of a sore back everytime he goes to the mall. Gee, what a whinger. I think it's a mental thing.

Anyways, shopping. It’s a very serious work out and you’re not even aware you’re doing it. As we are wandering the stores for a sale, we forget how long and how far we’ve walked. Not to mention the bags you are carrying, which is usually equivalent to lugging around 2 kg weights or more.

I would put this type of exercise under walking at a leisurely pace, but what about those crazy sales when sprinting and quick reflexes are involved. Maybe I should have that down as some type of martial arts, especially when the “tiger claws” come out for a pair of cute shoes. Lol, nah I’m not sure if I’d ever fight over a sale item. Does anybody have a tug of war story to tell? Leave a comment, because I’d love to read it.

Well in my opinion, I think shopping is a combination of cardio and strength (if you’re carrying something) so don’t forget to put that as part of your exercise the next time you decide to hit the mall!

Blog you later.



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