How many lbs did you lose before unknowing people started as

Obviously if people are asking you about your weight loss you have been successful at what you are doing. So how many pounds did you lose before people started to ask you straight up? And by people, I mean the ones that never knew you were even on a diet but noticed your changes and took the initiative to ask because your changing appearance warranted the question?

I think your answers will be based on your starting weight but I am curious what everyone will say. In my case I would say 30-35lbs. (not many people have currently asked me but in the past when I dropped weight it was about 30-35lbs before people started asking without knowing I was dieting/exercising)



  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    I started at 209 I lost 25 lbs b4 ppl started saying anything.
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    almost 40 lbs before people started to notice and comment.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Eh, that hasn't ever happened to me. Must be because I've lost so much. It's embarrassing that I had all this weight to lose in the first place.
  • notapromqueen
    notapromqueen Posts: 63 Member
    A few years back I lost 20-25 pounds and people started asking/noticing. Of course, I'm here because I gained that back (plus some). It's time to lose that weight the correct way!

    This time, I'm currently down about 10 lbs (last weigh in was Saturday), and I can personally see differences in my face, legs and arms already. But, it'll be a little while before anyone else notices.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I started at 277 and others started commenting at around 20-30lbs. That was when I started losing weight around the face.
  • megansmom311
    megansmom311 Posts: 168
    Hmm...I'm 27 pounds down and so far nobody has said anything. (except for my hubby) It's kind of discouraging. But at the same time it's making me work harder so they WILL notice. :smile:
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Around the 25lb mark - but getting lots more now!
  • johnnythebaptist
    I get it continually now!! after the first mont there was a noticible diffrence. Today everywhere I go someone say"s how much have you lost.
  • ampjorgensen
    ampjorgensen Posts: 86 Member
    people started noticing right away 15 pounds maybe, but that is mainly because I lose in my face right away
  • selmaguzman
    Some people are too shy to say anything, and others are not observant. Some people have eyes only for themselves. As long as you can see and feel the difference that is what matters. Do you have more energy? Do you feel better about yourself? Are those clothes feeling extra loose? That is what really matters. So keep it up.:love: javascript:add_smiley('flowerforyou','post_body')
  • h64em
    h64em Posts: 64 Member
    I started at around 214lb and it was probably about 20 lbs lost before people noticed, but now I get comments all the time - its a great boost! :)
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I've lost 40 and people are just recently starting to come up to me to say something. My favorite comment from an acquaintance I hadn't seen in a month: "Wow, I love that dress, it's very flattering. It makes you look like you've lost, like, 40 pounds!" I just smiled and said "It's not the dress."
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    People started to ask me at about the 25-30 pound mark. I never get tired of speaking to anyone that approaches me and brings up this subject!
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    I do believe it's how your body loses weight. Losing weight in your face does provoke comments to come sooner because that's what people look at the most. Some peoples body hide their weight loss just because of their particular physique.

    For those that haven't yet been commented on, STAY UP! >:o)
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    For me it was just shy of 20 lbs. Now that I've lost nearly 25 a lot more people are noticing and making nice comments. :D
  • msenn2692
    msenn2692 Posts: 20 Member
    People started noticing after i lost 10 pounds. But since i am working out i am gaining muscle and toning up so i have lost 3 pants sizes. I think people notice because my clothes hang on me since i have not been able to replace all of my wardrobe.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I started at 223 lbs and had someone ask me after losing 35 lbs If I had lost some weight cause I look thinner :D that made my day because no one has asked me besides my close family that already knew what I was doing.
  • golfbrew_matt
    golfbrew_matt Posts: 240 Member
    I started at about 205 (all-time high 212.6) and people really started commenting around 40 pounds. Now that I've lost over 50, I get tons of comments, questions and compliments.
  • bella_baby
    bella_baby Posts: 22
    I was over at a friend's house last night, and we hadn't seen each other in about 4 months. I've lost about 20 pounds since she last saw me, and when i walked in she just kept saying you've shrunk, you've shrunk! haha
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'm not sure I remember. But it was around 30 lbs.

    Keep in mind. Even if people notice, they most likely won't say anything. Weight Issues are kind of a touchy subject. Just read the forums about people saying something...or not. As a married male. I will most likely not mention a noticable weight loss unless it's my wife, sister, or mother.

    Right now there is woman in the office who is doing really well. I've noticed. But it would be socially awkward for me to say anything.
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