Spinning & Boot camp?

I'm looking for a good spinning class in Central or South London for good prices, any recommendations? Also does anyone know someone who takes boot camp sessions?


  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Do you belong to a gym? I don't know any spin classes that's not done in a gym...

    I go to Virgin Active in Islington for spin on Tue/Thur and I love it! I've never done spin anywhere else though...

    Virgin Active is really expensive...I can barely afford it but they do have some awesome classes, bootcamp as well.
  • georgebrown10
    georgebrown10 Posts: 28 Member
    Was part of a gym but didn't renew my membership as I found training at home was a lot more intense and a lot less expensive. I have been told you can spin classes separate! Its probably something I need to look into.

    Virgin is a great gym though BUT ridiculous prices