Best Weight Loss "diets"

WorkingMomGetsFit Posts: 70 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
I found this article to be very interesting. I have done Weight Watchers before and was successful. However, as with any other "diet", once you go back to your old eating habbits, you will gain the weight back. It's not about "diets", it's about a life-long change in your eating habbits! I love MFP and the support I find on here. Put MFP as number 1 on my list!


  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    I saw it, too, but it doesn't mention the 17-Day Diet, which I have had the best results with.
  • I JUST read that too!! lol
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    It makes me glad that getting fit and healthy is starting to become more and more popular. It gives me hope that maybe some day obesity will no longer be an epidemic in this country.

    But articles like this make me a bit sad. I think a majority of people who want to jump on the fitness band wagon don't really have any idea where to start and it's articles like this and in magazines that lead people in the wrong direction.

    Every time I cash out at the grocery store I see a magazine with a new fad diet, a new miracle food, a new diet pill, etc.

    I don't even like weight watchers. Sure it simplifies the counting process but it doesn't really teach people to read labels and count their own calories for themselves and keep an eye on other nutritional values.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    There is no "best" diet. The fact that they tried to rate different diets is kind of laughable :|

    But, what do you expect from Yahoo...
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    It makes me glad that getting fit and healthy is starting to become more and more popular. It gives me hope that maybe some day obesity will no longer be an epidemic in this country.

    But articles like this make me a bit sad. I think a majority of people who want to jump on the fitness band wagon don't really have any idea where to start and it's articles like this and in magazines that lead people in the wrong direction.

    Every time I cash out at the grocery store I see a magazine with a new fad diet, a new miracle food, a new diet pill, etc.

    I don't even like weight watchers. Sure it simplifies the counting process but it doesn't really teach people to read labels and count their own calories for themselves and keep an eye on other nutritional values.

    I completely agree. I see magazines all over the place with the new fad diets, and I've read some of the stuff they have in those diets and you either feel deprived, or have to eat some weird stuff. Thats why I came here, I can decide what I want to eat, and it helps me keep track and control myself, I can eat and not feel guilty.
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