Trying to get back to goal

I reached my goal weight several years ago. Life stuff happened and I let things get out of control. I lost 120 pounds back then and I gained 60 of it back. I managed to lose 20 pounds last year and have kept 17 pounds of that off.

I joined this site a few months ago but didn't actually use it. I have been struggling with the new WW Points Plus program so I have decided that I am going to track my food here so that I can see the calories that I am eating.

Eating fruits and vegetables is easy for me. I drink a lot of water as well. I struggle with sweets and the temptation of fast food.

I am an avid walker and love to do races. If I have a race to train for, then I can stay on track. I have signed up for a half marathon but it is in March 2012. I am going to do some 5ks to help me stay focused.


  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Good luck! You can do it!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    You can do it! I am not much of a runner any more, but I know what you mean about having "a race to train for." I always have to have something to look forward to to make obtaining my goals easier. Good Luck!