Muscle Pain/Sore

meinco Posts: 62 Member
I worked out 2 days ago and yesterday woke up and was wicked sore. Not oh, take a tylenol sore, but hurts to touch my thighs sore. I literally hobbled around all day yesterday (walking straight legged because bending my knee would require my thigh muscles to engage and kinda fell into chairs to keep myself from having to lower myself into them.

I did not feel any pain when I was working out, felt tired but great. So the pain yesterday was a surprise. I don't feel like I pulled a muscle.

I took yesterday off from working out. I don't think I could have if I tried. I woke up this morning still in pain, though it isn't as bad as yesterday. Still kind of hobbling and stairs are presenting a painful challenge.

What is the thinking? Should I let my muscles heal up before attempting to work out again? Should I struggle through the pain and do my 30 day shred today and hope the exercise loosens things back up? Should I maybe just do some arm/back weight training exercises until my legs are better?


  • teri_cmc
    teri_cmc Posts: 21
    You must do a workout as soon as possible - even if it means brisk walking. You've got to get that lactic acid out of those muscles! Taking a day off only draws it out longer - I promise!
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    Spend at least 30 minutes doing different stretches. See how you feel tomorrow. Pain is your body telling you something is wrong, try not to ignore it too much.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I would strongly urge that you rest..I have that problem when I'm walking several days in a row and sometimes need that break every 7-10 days. If you could sit down, and use weights for arms thats also a good idea..can also try situps/crunches..try anything it doesn't involve your legs too much. Try putting on some muscle cream too and/or take a hot bath to sooth those muscles. :smile:
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    work out for sure!!! you will help work the soreness out. and just know that you are not alone. I had tears in my eyes by the time I got to the top of the stairs at work this morning. but I will be doing a body pump class at 4:30 and then a Touche` class at 5:30
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    pain is weakness leaving the body, get those muscles moving it will make you feel better i swear. lifting, no probably not. squats, no probably not. you should probably opt for a walk/jog or spend some time on a bike or swimming that will stretch you right out. good luck!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Pain is your body telling you something is wrong, try not to ignore it too much.
    agreed! Pain is NOT the same as feeling sore. It's normal to feel some soreness after working out hard but pain is your body sending a signal that something may be wrong.

    I agree though, stretching is a big part of working out, I consider it part of the workout. If not you definitely could feel pain with injury, stretching well is simply that important!

    I'm feeling quite stiff and sore myself today so I took time off and will do some Yoga and make it a lighter day. Doesn't mean I won't do something physical, but simply not a hard workout so my muscles can have a break. We Do need to allow our bodies a break.:wink:

  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    You must do a workout as soon as possible - even if it means brisk walking. You've got to get that lactic acid out of those muscles! Taking a day off only draws it out longer - I promise!

    I agree with this guy. If you wait until you're no longer sore, you'll lose the benefit. Get out today and do something, even if it's a lite workout. You'll feel better for it. AFTER your body has warmed up, be sure to stretch out those muscles.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    It's called delayed onset muscle soreness. I sometimes get it after a tough lower body workout. I find that as I get moving, the pain lessens as your muscles get loosened up. Try some light exercise like a short walk and see how you feel. I wouldn't try any strenuous workouts that would concentrate on the affected areas. For example, if it's your lower body that hurts, try an upper body workout. Basically, try to keep moving and the pain should decrease. If you sit around, your muscles are going to tighten up and hurt like hell when you try to move. The discomfort should decrease each time you workout, as your muscles get used to being worked this hard.
  • meinco
    meinco Posts: 62 Member
    Okay thanks guys! Think I am going to take a motrin and stretch out this morning and then later this evening take a long fast walk and then get back to it tomorrow.

    I hate squats! LOL But I did measure my thighs this morning and they were down about .5" so can't complain. Well I can complain actually but I will get my butt back in gear! :)
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I agree with ppl who say you should be careful when you are in that much post-wprkout pain not to overdo it, but also that you should do SOMETHING. I think stretching, maybe a little self-massage (best to do at the attachment of the muscles to the joints and also in the thickest part, or "belly", or the muscle). I personally would try to do 30DS after stretching/massage but just do all of the painful stuff at a lower intensity (ie, don't go as deep into the squats or lunges). Then be sure to stretch and walk it out afterwards!
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    i think a lot of people who are out of practice/ new to pushing themselves are unfamilliar with the difference between being sore(good pain), and legit pain, pain thats telling you something is wrong...being sore, which is uncomfortable no doubt! is not good reason to take several days off from moving. not moving is going to make you more sore, i think a lot of people are confused about that. it seems counter intuitive but making those muscles that are sore, work will get the blood flowing to them and consequently help repair you and make you less sore.

    touch those sore thighs! massage them!!! i personally like playing with my sore muscles hahaha