My Zig-Zag Method Challenge



  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    how did you decide how many calories to eat each day? My daily recommend is 1500-something so I don't know how low is TOO low, or how high is TOO high. Help?

    Here is one:

    It's not the one a lot of people here use...but they are all similar.

  • LF4184
    LF4184 Posts: 7 Member
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I lost 2.6 pounds this week after my 8 days of "kind of" zig-zagging calories!!
    after two straight weeks with only losing 0.2 or 0.5 (if i can

    I tried to stay strict with it, but oh well! I like it, as I can enjoy some yummy protein treats on higher calories days and work out hard other days and I just like the Balance it gave to me.

    and I like having ranges for calories so I'm not like "ahh, im 100 over or whatever.."

    DEFINITELY, good for jumping off that plateau. :):):)

    For long term... I think I am going to just naturally do this with however my schedule is... like, if one day I go over 200 calories for some reason..then the next day I'll make sure I go 100-200 under. :) I should probably be already doing that though :S hahaha!

    and YES, i gladly eat back my exercise calories! :) but I also under-estimate my workouts sometimes. [45 minute walk.. i might put 35 minutes or something]
  • pixieval
    pixieval Posts: 64 Member
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    still trying to zig-zag - my last two days have been low days so today is day 3 (for week two?) and i'm supposed to be eating much more! AH haha. how is everyones zig-zagging going ?!
  • heathermnrd
    im so gonna try this! ive been stuck at 124 forever. hope it works for everyone!
  • nrcorporan3
    Bump....I think for the month of July I will try this Zig Zag Plan people keep talking about. I am however confused with the plan I get. The "lowest" day has me set at a higher number than my MFP daily net amount? So on Zig Zag are they already taking into account the excercise? Does any one know?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Bump....I think for the month of July I will try this Zig Zag Plan people keep talking about. I am however confused with the plan I get. The "lowest" day has me set at a higher number than my MFP daily net amount? So on Zig Zag are they already taking into account the excercise? Does any one know?

    It creates a deficit like MFP does already (since you're choosing a weight loss rate plan from the columns)...NOT including exercise calories. Meaning, you still eat your calories back. What most people don't realize is that MFP is pertty frugal where calories are concerned, add to that people almost invariably choose a rate of loss which is higher than they should...and the calories are pretty restrictive. One of my MFP friends is a young lady named Robin. She eats, basically...2000cal/day at 5'1 or some such...and 108lbs.

    Here's her profile picture =p:


    The point is, most of us could do with a good bit more calories than we think. She's a prime example.

    Now...onto the zig zag thing. I tried the calculator...religiously, for about three weeks. I had no luck breaking my 6wk plateau...but that doesn't mean you won't. A much simpler format for zig zagging is listed in the first post here:

    That's pretty much (for the most part...I'm a bit exaggerated) what I'm doing now...and I'm down 6lbs+ in two weeks.

  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member

    I just went ahead and posted my month long zig-zag challenge opinions as a separate post ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • nrcorporan3
    Thanks for the info and link chrisanderson27 :)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Thanks for the info and link chrisanderson27 :)

    No problem! Glad to help =D.
  • MadgeleneHarper
    MadgeleneHarper Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, just wondering if your zigzag. Diet has been doing well?
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Years ago when I did WW, someone recommended to me to do something similar with the points. It was successful because your body doesn't get complacent. I haven't tried it yet with calories.