Invited out - there will be nibbles - help!



  • suzitkd
    suzitkd Posts: 110
    Just wanted to pop back and say thank you to you all - it worked! In fact everyone started tucking in to all my beautifully arranged veggies and hummus with gusto! And the spritzers meant I could sip my drinks and make them last much longer - a win all round! AND I stayed under my calories for the day - just! Lol! So glad I went now, had a lovely evening - guilt free! Yay! It just goes to show that you can do these things with a little planning, and knowing that I was eating healthy food and keeping under my calories meant that I actually enjoyed it more - I've always felt guilty munching into naughty nibbles so could never properly enjoy it anyway, somehow knowing that what you're nibbling is actually good for you make it taste and feel wonderful!

    I could have had a miserable time sat at home on my sofa missing out, but instead had a better time than I expected because I could munch away on healthy food guilt free! Love it! Know what to do next time! And for situations where I can't take my own food, I'm looking to buy an iphone so I can have the mobile app so I can check what is OK to have - guilt free food tastes so much nicer! Thanks again everyone!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Glad it went well and you had fun!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I am so glad you were able to figure out a way to still be social without going overboard!!!'

    And frankly I'm shocked at all the folks who responded saying not to go...why miss out on life in fear of temptation and the possibility of going over a few hundred extra calories? There is absolutely no need for deprivation or avoidance of social situations in order to lose weight - check out my signature, I'm living proof! Lost 61 pounds and have never regretted a single moment (well, except the fat free cheese incident - blech!) :laugh: