Hi from NY!

Hi everyone...I just joined yesterday...I'm sick of feeling tired, fat & downright unattractive!! In the 7 years since my marriage, I have gained about 25-30 pounds & want to lose it & get back to my "old self". What really did me in was my 2nd pregnancy...my son was almost 11 pounds at birth, so needless to say, my body is not what it used to be.
My question for everyone is: When do you find the time to workout?? I work full time & have a 2 year old & a 4 year old...there are never enough hours in the day...by the time we get home from work, it's time to get dinner started & the kids fed.....I get up at 5:45, so getting up any earlier is out of the question...I don't get enough sleep as it is. Would it be unreasonable to go on my elliptical at 10pm??? This is about the only time I have to myself.
I have never really tried to lose weight before...I have ZERO willpower & LOVE junkfood, so this is going to be very difficult for me, but I know that I need to get healthy for myself & for my family.


  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member
    Hi and welcome to the site. I joined a couple of weeks ago and love it. I have a two year old so do manage to fit in some time for exercise when I have a babysitter during the day. This is what I do and when -He doesn't take his nap most days now so I walk with the pram a lot. I also have the 30 day shred dvd which only lasts for 20 mins. I often do it once he's gone to bed. I started a running programme, couch to 5k, a few months ago. I'll try to do this 3 times a week. I realise you don't have much time. How about a walk during your lunch break or a quick class if there's any locally? Evenings it's hard to get motivated at first. If you're anything like me it's more tempting to chill in front of the tv. I make a point of doing some form of exercise for at least half an hour instead. I just bought a bike so that as a family we can be more active on weekends. I think it's really important to find something you like, or at least don't mind. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.