New and ready for healthy living

I have tried every single diet in the book. FInally, I decided to go for weight loss surgery. I had a sleeve gastrectomy done. While it helps with the weight loss part it does nothing for the physical strength part. My sister invited me to join so that she can help me manage what I eat and also help me figure out what exercizes I should be doing.

I started regularly working out now. I am finally getting some muscle tone back. (I had major muscle loss from losing 40 lbs in 5 weeks). I am here to get tips on what work outs would benefit me the most, keep a diary of my eating habits to make sure they dont ever go back to what they used to be.

As a mother of two who are only 18 months apart, my body took a big hit. My midsection is definetely my problem area and I am in the need to tone everywhere in general. I still have a goal of another 40 lbs to be in what is considered the "healthy range".

Wish me luck, here I go.