One week on MFP and NO loss :(



  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    try doing what I do. I've been getting coached by a personal trainer at a local gym twice a week. we go over my food diary and talk about any questions i have, etc.

    what my coach has me doing, is counting FAT grams, instead of counting calories. Keep it between 20-30 a day, although i haven't gone over 20 more than a couple of times.


    1 month: 7.8 pounds down

    that's pretty good, i was happy with that.

    now check this out...

    I didn't work out at ALL the first 3 weeks. the 4th week I did some tennis and went on walks...

    1 month results for INCHES lost: 17!!!!

    I was floored!!

    this is the only thing that has ever worked for me!!

    try counting the fat grams... MFP does that for you too!!

    I hope this helps!!

    Fat is not the enemy. Eating more calories than you burn is. Fat is essential and your diet should consist of 20-30% to total calories from fat. But they should be healthy fats, not trans fats. So at 1200 calories/day your fat should be between 27and 40 grams, more on the days you workout.

    my calories usually total 1250-1300 when i do it this way. and they are the "smart fats" ... i don't go munching on cheetos or anything. my fats come from salmon, lowfat cottage cheese, grilled chicken breasts, alvacados, almonds, etc. I eat following the plan of the Food Pyramid on a daily basis, and get my 64 ounces of water every day. Generally, if you lower your fat grams, your calories lower as well.

    Not to mention, it's a far easier number to remember than counting calories :)
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks evryone!!!! :))
    Love that website!!! =)

    As for the training, I'm pretty versatile :

    Zumba on mondays and saturdays
    Kick boxing on mondays
    Step on wednesdays

    And im starting P90x on my days off ;)
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    Oh honey, dont be hard on yourself. but dont give up. I didnt start seeing results till about 2 or 3 weeks after I started MFP. You have to give your body time. the first 5 lbs is water weight, then after that is your fat weight... So it has only been a week just keep on going & i promise you, you will see results, chica!!! dont stress over it cause stress can make you gain weight" weird right" another thing if you are on your menstrual cycle even that can make you gain weight for me I know when I am going to start cause i will automatically gain 5 to 10 lbs instantly... so it will start coming off eventually
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Read the "Guide to Calorie Deficits" link in my signature and pay close attention to the 'be patient' part.
  • oravavaara
    oravavaara Posts: 29
    Many people lose weight in one week, but not all. There are a few things that could be going on here.

    Firstly, you really could be gaining muscle, even if you don't see it. If you are exercising, you're gaining muscle. You don't have to have massive biceps or be able to lift a truck to have muscle mass. Also, you could be doing a better job of staying hydrated. Did you know that a quart of water weighs almost 2 pounds? If you're drinking more water or eating more foods with water like fruit, this is probably what's happening. If you aren't, your body could be holding on to more water than it usually does for a great number of reasons, most of which aren't bad at all.

    If you aren't losing weight after a few weeks, odds are you aren't actually experiencing a calorie deficit. There are only two cases- you're not burning enough calories or you're eating too many.

    In my nutrition classes, when we look at case studies (usually over a few months of failed weight loss attempts) we almost always assume the latter. Most people have a poor concept of portion sizes, forget to count snacks, and underestimate added oils and fats. As part of a required project, they made us measure out different portion sizes of things we commonly eat and put them in the dishes we most often use. We did 1/4t, 1/2t, 1t, 1T, and 2T for three different condiments (like peanut butter, mayonnaise, and salad dressing), then we did 1/4C, 1/2C, and 1C for three different foods (like rice, broccoli, and cereal). We took pictures of them. We also weighed out things that are usually measured by weight, like meat. If you're surprised at what you measure, take pictures and post them in your kitchen, office, or wherever you eat or prepare your meals. If you aren't using MFP on a smartphone, bring a notebook with you everywhere and count absolutely everything you put in your mouth- from a taste of beer to a bite of a cookie.

    Although you're exercising, there's a good chance you're burning less calories than you think. 1200 calories a day is dangerously close to "starvation mode," so I would suggest eating slightly more. Eat breakfast and try to plan your major meal(s) for right after exercise. Add exercise to your lifestyle- park at the end of the lot, take the stairs, and walk or bike as transportation when possible.

    Hang in there- I know it's rough when you don't see results right away. All this advice is really geared more toward someone who's been trying to lose weight without success for several weeks to several months, but you may find it helpful to have other habits to focus on instead of numbers on a scale. Set goals for things you actually have control over- like calorie consumption. Eating only 1200 calories a day requires a lot of self-discipline, which is worth a lot!
  • voginma
    voginma Posts: 15 Member
    Weight training is good for muscle development, but you really need to burn fat through Cardio. You need to get your heart rate into your Target Heart Rate Zone:

    To determine this do the following.

    1. Subtract Your Age From 220
    2. Determine 80% of the result of 1.
    3. Determine 90% of the result of 1.

    Your Heart rate during Exercise should be between those numbers.

    Example: Age 44 (me)

    1. 220-44 = 176
    2. 80% x 176 = 141
    3. 90% x 176 = 158

    My target heart range is between 141 and 158.

    Adjust the numbers based on your age.

    Keep it up ... it's not an overnight process ... Click here is you want some free coaching ...
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks so much for your help guys!!!

    I've been doing MFP for only a week, but I've been watching what I eat and training for weeks, months..

    Sometimes I get bored of it and stop, but most of the time I am really careful.

    Starting MFP was really easy for me since I was eating that way for a while... It was seriously not too difficult to stay under 1200 cal...