
littleali Posts: 179 Member
I'm an 18 year old girl on the road to weightloss! I'm 5ft 7" and started at 202lbs in November 2010 and am somewhere in the region of 145-150 (my scale is broken!) I am aiming for a nice, healthy, toned 130lbs. Hope I can achieve it with support! I have been a binge eater all my life - a whole pizza, chips, garlic bread and pudding every saturday night, crisp sandwiches for breakfast oh god you name it. I am trying to break habits and start enjoying healthier food but am finding it a little taxing! But I am proud of what I have achieved and am slowly, I think, finally, after a 50 pound weightloss over 8 months, begun to realise that this isn't a quick process and that I just need some patience!


  • aejbx4x7s
    aejbx4x7s Posts: 111

    I'm 23 and trying to get down to 135lb (I'm 5'8"). I used to be around 170 in high school and lost 35lbs when I started college. I binge, too! Moving away from home into a dorm where I never I food resulted in a lot of weight loss. Every summer when I'd return home, I'd gain 15lbs back! Out of college, I still have the same problem. I now bike or walk to the grocery store. Not only do I burn calories, but it limits when I can carry so that I don't binge. Looks like you are doing well already - congrats on the 50lbs! That's fantastic!

    Best of luck and feel free to add me as a friend!