Rock Bottom

I think maybe I'm there. The pants I have on used to be really tight and then I lost 50 pounds and they were so lose even a belt didn't help. In fact my brother said they looked like pajamas.

But now, I'v gained back all but about 10 pounds, I've had to get creative with my pants. I refuse to buy bigger ones, and they are the dress pants with the button, the two hooks and zipper. When I first started gaining weight back, it was getting difficult to do up all three things. Then eventually I stopped bothering with the button....NOW I suck it in long enough to hook them so I can zip, then I unhook them and just let my belt be what keeps my pants closed. Is that not the saddest thing you have heard?

I feel like that subway commercial where everyone is too heavy and their buttons start popping off and the chairs bust beneathe them. I am SO working out tonight when I get home, it's time to squash this crap.


  • Jessica5000
    You can do it. Why? Cause you did it before. Keep your eye on the prize. Nothing tastes as good and skinny feels. And 10 lbs is alot for pants. I have 180lb pants and 170lbs pants. Actually I have 190lbs pants too. So concentrate on 10lbs and hopefully you will feel more comfortable and just take it from there. Stay positive. Don't look at your past. Stay in the present and work towards a healthier future. Good luck!
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    i know how you feel. i lost about 77lbs 6 years ago and then put it all back on. i finally thought enough is enough i have done it before i can do it again. i have now lost 22lbs so far.
    you did so well before you can and will do it again. i have faith in you. you should too.
    good luck.