Is it ok that my protein is in the negative #'s?



  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I eat 100+ grams every day and I'm only 5'3" and 111 lbs. You're fine :happy:
  • Opusarlo
    Opusarlo Posts: 53
    Proteins are the construction of amino acids and are essential to daily life. They are one of the most prevelant cells in the human body. They are not to be "poo-poo'd". For an aduly female to maintain a level just above deficiency she would need to intake 45-48 grams per day. That is not living well - that is just above deficiency. To ensure adequate protein most experts agree that an adult woman requires around 60g/day. The active or exercising adult female, however, needs more. Proteins rebuild the tissue and cells that you destroy when you exercise. Since 60 g/day is right for a normal lifestyle you can see that more is required if you are exercising. The conventionally accepted numbers for this level of intake are:

    .6g/lb for aerobic trainers

    1g/lb for weight trainers

    This applies to both sexes as well so keep that in mind. A 200lb male/female doing weight training needs 200g/day of protein in order to repair damaged tissue as well as ad new tissue for growth. A 200lb male/female needs about 120g/day of protein in order to repair the damage they do in the gymif they are doing aerobic training only.

    At 60 you are on par for a normal lifestyle, but you fall short when it comes to repairing tissue damaged during exercise. There are many great sources of protein like:
    pretty much any meat

    You can also find it in pill form such as Spirulina for those who simply do not want to eat more in a day.

    Then there are the powders - whey protein powders. Lifters use these to supplement their protein intake

    there are also protein bars available at most any grocery store or gas station.

    You can easily supplement your 60g/day to make it 120 with any of the above options.

    Message me if you have any more questions.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Thanks for all the responses!! I stayed within my calories for the day so I am ok there. I wont worry so much about the protein, I will actually probably go in there and change it so its more. I do have some whey protein powder here so I can make up something with that to get more protein after workouts and suc