why do some ppl drop weight so easy?



  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    Bet you look better than her in a bikini though:laugh:
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I get nervous about the bulking because a few years ago I worled with a trainer, and I am pretty sure he was training me for bodybuilding (but I trusted him) and I gained 10lbs, but my body fat stayed the same...so it was all muscle! (my thighs were giant) I know my eating habits weren't great then, but I know I gain muscle easy and I dont want to be 143lbs with a 18% bodyfat. I would look like a dude! Ha! So I will take the advice and start easing weight lifting back in!

    Work in the 10 - 12 rep range... use as much weight as you can do to complete 10 - 12 reps (with good form). It should be difficult to complete the last 3 reps in any set that you do. If not, you aren't using heavy enough weight. If you can't complete at least 10 reps, drop to a lower weight.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I would say it's metabolism and this:
    I've always figured that people exactly like her (heavy fast food and soda consumption) have bodies that just simply wanted out of their eating style. Their bodies go, "WHOA, no more fries?! Finally!!" resulting in drastic weightloss.

    If someone was to hit the drive thru 4+ times a month and suddenly give it up then they may drop a lot of weight quickly.
    When I started watching my portions I lost about 5 lbs in a week, but I still ate junk. Now that I'm watching not only what I eat but how much of it I've lost more (and exercise).
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