Worried about "sad belly button" syndrome

I've got about 50-60 lbs to lose and I'm worried about getting the sad belly button where it looks more like my basset hounds jowls than a belly button? What causes that and anything I can do while I'm losing to prevent it?


  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    If your young and havent had a child it shouldnt be a problem, It will most likely tighten right back up.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Would love to know that but after having 3 kids its never going to be the same for me lol
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I have heard that making sure you get enough milk and yogurt can help your skin shrink back faster. Don't know but it can't hurt 'cuz we all need calcium.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    I've lost 31 lbs since joining MFP and my stomach (and belly button) looks great now. I'm 24, never had any kids. My heaviest weight was probably around 185 but I started MFP at 163. Here are my MFP before and afters:


    I didn't do anything special either. Just Jillian Michael's workout videos, walking my dogs and eating 1200-1400 calories a day. Oh and drinking 8 glasses of water a day. No lotions or anything of that sort.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I like to think of it as my bellybutton's eyelid! My permanent reminder of having 4 kids...that and the 'stripes' on my belly!
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    LOL - basset hound jowls!
    If your young and havent had a child it shouldnt be a problem, It will most likely tighten right back up.

    Aaaaack! That doesn't bode well for me then :O(
    Someone please post a more hopeful answer - anyone? anyone?
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    LOL - basset hound jowls!
    If your young and havent had a child it shouldnt be a problem, It will most likely tighten right back up.

    Aaaaack! That doesn't bode well for me then :O(
    Someone please post a more hopeful answer - anyone? anyone?

    Im so sorry! :( For the rest of the world there's always surgery!
  • abbysmommy7
    abbysmommy7 Posts: 211 Member
    I laughed becuase I have this and Im so glad Im not alone in it. then I cried reading if you've had a child it's never going away :sad: