Losing weight while traveling full-time

vent4jesus Posts: 8 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I am new to My FItness Pal. I just found out about if from a friend on fb. I weighed 311 lbs last January and when I saw the scale went past the 300 mark I freaked out! My husband and I travel full time now for 7 years. The first few years was a weight gain nightmare. I have always been overweight but never had reached the 300 mark. I went to work walking as much as I could and cutting out all sweets, chips, sodas and eating more veggies, nuts, and fruits. I am now at 229! I am going on a cruise in March and my goal is to be at my wedding day weight or smaller (185 on wedding day) I must say it has not been easy as we eat out all the time and people feed us constantly. My husband is a magician and I am a ventriloquist so our summers consist of camps and VBS' where the food is all carbs! I have joined this to get some encouragement and keep me on the right track. I lost over 100 lbs about 10 years ago and have gained it all back and more. But then I was dieting. I am trying now to change my lifestyle and have sworn I will never see 250 again! It is so hard living on the road but I AM GOING TO DO IT!


  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Good luck, I am a pilot and on the road 4 days a week. I plan out my food ahead of time and bring it in a soft sided cooler. Its only for 4 days at a time though. Not sure how long you are on the road. But it is possible, not easy but doable.
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    I so know what you mean about travel food. You can always go into the kitchen and request raw foods such as onions and tomatoes. My fave meal for a long time was a tin of sardines, chickpeas or beans with vinaigrette, onion and if there was some around, tomato. It's a great, low calorie lunch. Don't be shy about going into the kitchen and saying you are on a special diet and asking about what raw foods they have on hand. It's one way you can cut calories easily. You can keep those instant oatmeal packets with you for breakfasts, they travel well. There's two meals a day you won't have to worry about.
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