Un-PEE-lievable Workouts!

Okay. I didn't want to post this, and I've been putting it off for a very long. My MFP buddies are going to read this and think, "Wow, that girl pisses her pants? Um...delete." Hahah but here I go...

So, every time I do something like jumping jacks, tuck-jumps, air-jacks, and general plyometrics, a little pee comes out. Okay, a lot. It's really annoying, very embarrassing, and beyond disgusting. My doctor did a bladder test and a pelvic ultrasound, and came up with the advice: do more kegels. So...I do. But it's not fixing me.

I try to pee as much as possible before working out, but there's always some left over for my workout apparently. Nice.

I'm not going to let up on the plyometrics because it's a KILLER workout, and it's included in every single Turbo Fire exercise (which is what I'm doing). But it would be really nice to not have this disgusting problem EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I'm 25. Never had kids.
Any advice, or should I just learn to enjoy the saturation? Ha ha..


  • th1nkth1nmama
    maybe wear a panty liner? I pee a little when I have to do squats or lunges... lol...
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Okay. I didn't want to post this, and I've been putting it off for a very long. My MFP buddies are going to read this and think, "Wow, that girl pisses her pants? Um...delete." Hahah but here I go...

    So, every time I do something like jumping jacks, tuck-jumps, air-jacks, and general plyometrics, a little pee comes out. Okay, a lot. It's really annoying, very embarrassing, and beyond disgusting. My doctor did a bladder test and a pelvic ultrasound, and came up with the advice: do more kegels. So...I do. But it's not fixing me.

    I try to pee as much as possible before working out, but there's always some left over for my workout apparently. Nice.

    I'm not going to let up on the plyometrics because it's a KILLER workout, and it's included in every single Turbo Fire exercise (which is what I'm doing). But it would be really nice to not have this disgusting problem EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    I'm 25. Never had kids.
    Any advice, or should I just learn to enjoy the saturation? Ha ha..

    Have you talked to a doctor? The only things I can think of are 1) Keegle (sp?) exercises and 2) medication for overactive bladder. You are too young for this! I have to go ALL the time, but still don't have this particular problem. You should not have to give up plyo and high intensity workouts at your age. Call a doc. :smile:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I guess just wear a feminine hygiene pad? continue doing your kegels, they might help after a long time of practice. no real idea how to make it stop completely though.
  • sarahbarah25
    You made me giggle...sorry :blushing:

    I agree...got to build up the muscles :laugh: - The more you do .. the stronger the muscles and the less PEE :laugh:
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Same as they said, I'd suggest talking to a doctor/getting more advice on what to do.

    In the mean time --- I'd wear a panty liner
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    I DO wear pads when I workout. Thick ones.
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    She did call a doctor. Doctor gave almost the same answer as you, kegels.

    Sorry, OP, my only advice is to find a new doctor!

    Okay. I didn't want to post this, and I've been putting it off for a very long. My MFP buddies are going to read this and think, "Wow, that girl pisses her pants? Um...delete." Hahah but here I go...

    So, every time I do something like jumping jacks, tuck-jumps, air-jacks, and general plyometrics, a little pee comes out. Okay, a lot. It's really annoying, very embarrassing, and beyond disgusting. My doctor did a bladder test and a pelvic ultrasound, and came up with the advice: do more kegels. So...I do. But it's not fixing me.

    I try to pee as much as possible before working out, but there's always some left over for my workout apparently. Nice.

    I'm not going to let up on the plyometrics because it's a KILLER workout, and it's included in every single Turbo Fire exercise (which is what I'm doing). But it would be really nice to not have this disgusting problem EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    I'm 25. Never had kids.
    Any advice, or should I just learn to enjoy the saturation? Ha ha..

    Have you talked to a doctor? The only things I can think of are 1) Keegle (sp?) exercises and 2) medication for overactive bladder. You are too young for this! I have to go ALL the time, but still don't have this particular problem. You should not have to give up plyo and high intensity workouts at your age. Call a doc. :smile:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Ha ha!! Lol!! Loved the title of this post!!! I suffer from the same damn thing! It sucks! As much as I wanted to join some kind of bootcamp, that little fact overruled! It's one thing to pee your pants at home but a whole other thing to pee your pants in public!!! I chalked mine up to having babies. And I know if I go to my doctor his answer will also be, "do more kegels" Sorry, that's not working! Big sigh...wish I had some kind of advice for you, but alas I don't, but, your not alone.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    My mum just went to her gyno about this exact problem. Admittedly, she's 50 and had five pregnancies in the space of 7 years, so she wasn't in the best starting position.

    Long story short, she's now seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist a few times a week. She was doing her pelvic floor exercises completely wrong. Now that she's doing them properly, they think that once she loses about 15kg she should see some improvement. There is also surgery available, but that becomes ineffective if you lose weight after the surgery so she's trying to lose the weight first before going for the surgery option.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    LOL, i just posted something similar to this last week....best advice: try to limit the water intake for 1 or 2 hours before workout...use a pantyliner and use a super duper tampon. check out my profile for previous post with lots of suggestions.
  • BecBe4
    BecBe4 Posts: 20
    I'm sorry to say that I do not have this problem so I don't really have any advice for you other than maybe wear a pad or something to absorb the...moisture. I just wanted to say good for you for sticking with your workouts especially with some less than desirable bumps in the road.

    Stick with it and I hope things get better for you! :)
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I have this problem sometimes, but I do have a kid, and I do need to do more kegels, BOOOOOO.
  • txmomma0889
    txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member
    I agree with wearing a panty liner. Ever since I had my son at 20 I have to wear panty liner because sometimes I "snish"... is what the mom i know call it lol "sneeze pissing" So I keep stock of panty liners. and been working on it.Talk to another doc for secondary advice. Then you can make your decision if you have to different opinions.
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    haha its okay,i have a bladder condition and im 19 and have started peeing my pants already :) id wear a panty liner,or do what i do and go swimming for exercise. maybe do like the bike at the gym?
  • HeatherFeather10
    I would look into gettting a second opinion - if you already have this problem now, things are really gonna suck after you have children. I really would research and see if you have any other options.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    Do you eat a lot of artificial sweeteners? I read somewhere that they are bladder irritants.
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    Do you eat a lot of artificial sweeteners? I read somewhere that they are bladder irritants.

    Hmmm...why yes I do!..

  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    oh and btw,i take overactive bladder pill and i take anti inflammatory pills and i still do sometimes :) the overactive pills really constipate you as well.
  • 123days
    123days Posts: 1
    I had the same problem and was talked into surgery (TVT) Trans Vaginal Tape. Worst mistake ever. Didn't help at all, the recovery time was long and left me with scar tissue. I just wear a pad and make the best of it. I don't recommend the surgery. They told me after, even if effective, it's only good for about 7 years.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I don't have as much pee coming out as you seem to, but I do get some sometimes (and I'm only 19, never been preggo either!). Either change your workout or wear a panty liner, plus get some therapy if you can, because this problem WILL NOT GO AWAY on its own.