The Magic Number

Does anyone have a magic number that as long as they stay under it, you feel like you're remaining healthy? I have been hovering right around what my magic number is, on days when I am over that number I feel like a complete failure and on days that I am below that number I feel like I can conquer anything. The funny thing is, on days I am over the number I tend to go over calories because I want to eat more and worse and on days I am under the magic number I eat healthier and get more activity and it's completely backwards...
Anyway, I am under the magic number today and I am under my calories by 600, but I really wanna have dessert :)


  • Cartel
    Cartel Posts: 40
    My goal weight will be my magic number. I just don't know what im going to do once im there and have accomplished it. Ill be thinking what now?