30 Day Shred question

Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
So I've been thinking for awhile about doing the 30 day Shred. I looked at the reviews on Amazon and a lot of people complained about there knees hurting and various other problems that they had while doing the 30 day shred and I'm just wondering what the main experience here was with people who had done it.

I've seen some amazing results on here from people who have done it and I'd love to see that myself but I don't want to waste the money if it's going to be something that could really hurt me.

Any comments on your experience with 30 day Shred would be awesome!!



  • mcqlove87
    mcqlove87 Posts: 59
    I'm getting ready to do it to! So any input would be great!
  • I love it! I have been doing it a week. It doesn't bother my knees, but I have never had issues with my knees. Can you rent videos from your library? You can rent exercise videos from some libraries.
  • megansmom311
    megansmom311 Posts: 168
    It killed my knees. I had to stop after day 7. Lots of jumping jacks, which are great exercise, but my knees couldn't take it. I'm planning on trying again when I lose a bit more weight. It really is a great workout.
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    i just bought it today. hope it goes well..
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    I did have some knee pain the next day, but I dont have the best knees to begin with. Im still able to do it. Just make sure you maintain proper form, thats what matters most.
  • anharrison
    anharrison Posts: 74 Member
    Personally: I think it's 'just okay.' Don't ask me what I was expecting but..... it's basic cardio: jumping jacks, jog in place, along with ab and leg workouts. They do a 3-2-1 system: 3 min cardio, 2 min weights, 1 min abs, repeat 3 times. It is a great workout dont get me wrong....I just wasn't impressed as it was nothing new. I have stopped doing it and am back in the gym.
  • threekidsforme
    threekidsforme Posts: 15 Member
    I LOVE 30 day Shred!! It's a great workout and I love the way I feel when I get done. I know a few other people that are doing it too and they have had amazing results with it.

    Good luck!!:happy:
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I'm starting it tomorrow! I hadn't heard any complaints about knee problems but I'll definitely keep ya posted!
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    I am on day 16 of level 2 and yes at first you will be sore. As for the knees she does a little stretch that I find is too little. Once you buy the DVD you will notice you cannot skip her intro, so take that extra 3 mins to stretch. wear tennie shoes even if you are doing it on the carpet. I figured that out quick. always stretch! have fun its worth it. i get sweaty and i yell at her, but I am thankful i am sticking through it.
  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    I've been doing it for about a week now and at first i was pretty hard...but after you get use to it you can really tell a difference from day one! I suggest getting it! I've seen more positive feed back then negative
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I just started this for the third time. I've completed the before times...minus level 3. Level 3 is too much jumping and stuff that gives me a headache. Is it a great cardio workout? Meh. For cardio, I'll stick to the elliptical. I've found doing the 30 DS helps me to lose inches.
    Tough on the knees? If you have knee issues, watch out. I was born with bad knees and I alter things involving that. After all, I paid for it, not Jillian. lol I'll alter what I want.
    As I type this, my right knee is killing me. I'm stopping the lunge thingys. I thought it would get better if I pushed through but it's not.

    Bottom line, for 10 bucks, I'd say go for it. Do what you can and alter what you can't. It is a good workout, especially for toning/losing inches.

    Good luck.
  • kcphilly
    kcphilly Posts: 71
    I have bad knees...the left one mostly...so I got a little brace for it...use it at the gym now too. For me I just don't go too deep into the lunges and things that like that. And always make sure you have good form. Even if you have to go slower than her to make sure you're keeping the knees behind your toes it's worth it. I haven't noticed any additional trouble since using any of the JM DVDs. Just modify what you have to (I was scared to do jumping jacks in the beginning so I would just march in place and do the arm movements) The higher level cardio I always do the modified version of the crazy jumps she does on the floor.

    But as long as you're not overdoing it working the muscles around your knees will help in the long run to support the joints.
  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    I love this workout and I sailed thru level one. I got shin splints on level two tho. I think it was the jumping rope. So i've taken a break but i'm going back at it soon. However I will alter the jumping rope parts. overall, Its so good for toning and only 20mins!!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I should be on level 1 day 9 but i gave up o n it on day 5 it is boring to do it everyday. I do other stuff but i know the level one workout so I actually do it while watching a tv show. lol i will turn it on again i just cant do it everyday. it was hard and you ache all over which is good because it works all you muscles. My knee did ache a bit too.
  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks everyone! I know when I do some lunges at the gym with weights I have to be careful to not do too many cause they make my knees a little sore so I will do what everyone suggested and just take my time and make sure my form is perfect!

    I just placed the order through amazon and it should be here before the 14th! Guess what I'll be starting the 15th!
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    My left knee hurt terribly the first day I ever did the 30 Day Shred, and about two days afterward. Then I paid better attention to my form and it turns out I wasn't doing the movement correctly. Jillian even warns about when someone is lunging incorrectly and how it places unnecessary stress on the joints. If you look at her movement and compare yours with hers, you might not experience any knee pain at all. I do have painful joints over all, but after modifying my form, I have yet to experience joint pain in my knees as a result of the 30 Day Shred since.

    Hope this helps.
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    i have shldr knees and feet problems...so what ever workout i do....each one of them get irritated

    the moves are easily modified...she'll do squats while doing shoulder presses......so if my knees start bothering me i walk in place while doing the shoulder presses

    this dvd is actually pretty good for a 20-25min workout and you can get a decent burn from it.....i personally got bored w/it....because i like the gym atmosphere....so i'll be using this as a back up for when i cant get into the gym

    and it was only $10 @ walmart
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I'm at Day 7. First timer.

    My knees hurt int he beginning...but as I've progressed physically and learned better form, it has really eased. They don't bother me hardly at all when I do it now. (SIDE NOTE: I was just at my doctor and told him about my knees hurting at some things, but not at running. He determined that my outer thigh muscle is much stronger than my inner and so my kneecap is "pulling" a bit. He said it should get better as my inner gets stronger and I think in that regard this DVD has helped my knees).

    I found it really hard to start. I was SO SORE the first day or 2. On Day 2 the WARMUP killed. But the major soreness was only the first couple of days.

    I don't find myself thoroughly "enjoying" it....but I can't deny it's results. I'm already noticing big changes in firmness and inches lost and I'm only at Day 7. For results like I'm getting, I'll do 30 days even if I'm not having the best time. To bust some of the boredom, I don't use the sound and listen to my ipod while doing it. It helped a lot.

    I also still do cardio for 30 mins, just about every day for fat burning/cardio endurance as a supplement.
  • I just bought it. Anybody want to make a group that starts on Monday?
  • mikeyken
    mikeyken Posts: 118 Member
    Just ordered it with a 21 day free trial, so I'll see how it goes. I don't know if it will be here by monday, but will definately join your group when it arrives.
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