Sugar Recommendations

sophs87 Posts: 35 Member
Hi guys.

I've always had a bit of a sweet tooth, however I seem to go over my recommended sugar allowance a ridiculous amount each day. I do have the occasional piece of chocolate but a lot of it is made up from fruit (I have about 4 apples a day) and other things I wouldnt see as too bad.

For example; one day this week I went over my sugar allowance by 100 grams! I'm guessing this is bad??

I was wondering whether there are any easy ways to cut down on suagr intake.

If it makes any difference; I'm 127lbs and 5ft 3.




  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I would cut down the apples! Eating anything that has sugar in it will raise your insulin secretion, and thus your insulin resistance, and thus your fat storage of glucose. Fruit does have plenty of good stuff in it - but that doesn't mean it's all good! Eat lots of veggies and animals, fruit in much more moderation as a treat. Occasional chocolate won't kill you - anything processed is quite possibly worse than a piece of dark chocolate every now and then.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you are mostly over from fruit or natural sugars, that is generally going to be better for you, as at least you are getting vitamins and minerals and fibre (unlike sweets, cakes, chocolate etc where you just get sugar and fat and not much else!).

    4 pieces of fruit a day does seem a bit excessive though - the Australian recommendations are for "go for 2+5" - 2 fruit and 5 veg every day, which seems like a reasonable amount to me.
  • TrishCastle
    TrishCastle Posts: 9 Member
    This has been the big eye-opener for me, too, that you don't even have to eat chocolate or lollies to easily go over the daily sugar allowance. When I think about the fact that I used to eat that sort of stuff big time every day - thinking that if it wasn't fatty it would just burn itself off before the calories could be laid down as fat, it's no wonder I piled on weight around my middle. Now, it's just fruit that sends me over the limit, along with anything processed in a packet. I used to think I was doing ok eating some of those packet pastas, but they seem to be loaded with hidden sugar. Now, I just make sure that I only have about two pieces of fruit a day, and also watch out for tomatoes & carrots which also seem to be loaded with sugar. :)
  • mghane
    mghane Posts: 109 Member
    I have the same problem! I'm never under my sugar limit (and am ALWAYS over). Honestly, I wouldn't worry about sugar in fruit as much, but it's important to cut down on processed sugars (which is what I'm trying to do). Let me know what you end up doing!